Shakespeare Roses
and Shakespeare Rosalind
“Of all flowers Me thinks a rose is best.”
– Two Noble Kinsmen, Act II, Scene II
“A rose by any other name would smell as sweet” is a popular reference to William Shakespeare‘s play Romeo and Juliet,
– Romeo and Juliet, Act II, Scene II
“Roses have thorns and silver fountain mud And loathsome canker lives in sweetest bud.”
Sonnet 35
“For women are as Roses, whose fair flower Being once display’d doth fall that very hour.”
– Twelfth Night, Act II, Scene IV
Shakespeare Roses
“Of all flowers Me thinks a rose is best.”
– Two Noble Kinsmen, Act II, Scene II
“What’s in a name? That which we call a roseBy any other name would smell as sweet.”
– Romeo and Juliet, Act II, Scene II
“O rose of May
Dear maid, kind sister, sweet Ophelia.”
– Hamlet, Act IV, Scene V
“With sweet musk-roses and with eglantine:
There sleeps Titania sometime of the night,
Lull’d in these flowers with dances and delight.”
– A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act II, Scene I
“Come, sit thee down upon this flowery bed,Why I thy amiable cheeks do coyAnd stick musk roses in thy sleek smooth headAnd kiss thy fair large ears, my gentle joy.”
– A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act IV, Scene I
“The rose looks fair, but fairer we it deem
For that sweet odour which doth in it live.”
Sonnet 54
Shakespeare refers to the Rose over 70 times; it is the most mentioned flower throughout his work. The varieties of Rose he mentions include the Musk Rose (Rosa moschata), the Damask Rose (Rosa damascena), the Eglantine or Sweet Briar (Rosa rubiginosa), the Provence or Cabbage Rose (Rosa centifolia) and the Wild Dog Rose (Rosa canina).
John Gerard wrote “the rose doth deserve the cheefest and most principle place among all flowers whatsoever, being not only esteemed for his beauties, vertues and his fragrant and odorous smell, but also because it is the honore and ornament of our English sceptre.”
The Rose has been the national emblem of England since The War of the Roses (1455-1485,) when the royal houses of York and Lancaster fought for the crown. The Red Rose was the emblem of the House of Lancaster and the White Rose was the emblem of the House of York. Shakespeare creates an imaginary scene in Henry VI Part I where the opposing parties chose sides.
Let him that is a true born gentleman
And stands upon the honour of his birth
If he suppose that I have pleaded truth
From off this briar pluck a white rose.
Let him that is no coward and no flatterer,
But dare maintain the party of the truth,
Pluck a red rose from off this thorn with me.
– Henry VI Part I, Act II, Scene IV
The White Rose of York is thought to be either the Rosa alba or the Rosa canina and the Red Rose of Lancaster is thought to be the Rosa gallica. The two houses were finally united with the marriage of Henry VII and Elizabeth of York and the two flowers were joined to form the Tudor Rose.
The Rose was considered to be the queen of all flowers and was used to represent beauty and love. However Shakespeare also used the Rose to convey the contrary nature of life, to say that like the Rose with its thorns, in life there is pleasure mixed with pain.
“Is love a tender thing? It is too rough,
Too rude, too boisterous, and it pricks like Thorn.”
– Romeo and Juliet, Act I, Scene IV
“Roses have thorns and silver fountain mudAnd loathsome canker lives in sweetest bud.”
Sonnet 35
“For women are as Roses, whose fair flowerBeing once display’d doth fall that very hour.”
– Twelfth Night, Act II, Scene IV
A number of varieties of Rose have been cultivated that are inspired by Shakespeare, they include the Glamis Castle Rose (Macbeth), the Scepter’d Isle Rose (Richard II), the Fair Bianca Rose (The Taming of the Shrew) the Othello Rose (Othello), the Prospero Rose (The Tempest), the Gentle Hermione (The Winter’s Tale) and the William Shakespeare Rose.
Labels: Cabbage Rose, Damask Rose, Eglantine, Flowers, Musk Rose, Ophelia, Roses, Sweet Briar, Wild Dog Rose
Roses of the Shakespeare Garden
Rosa x centifolia ( plus many more )

a) Poppy and Mandrake: The poppy has been seen as both a symbol for death (for its blood red color) and sleep (in reference to the opium it contains) in literature. The plant genus, Mandragora, belongs to the nightshades family and possesses a long history in connection with the Hebrew Bible, magic, spells, and witchcraft. In Cleopatra and Antony, Shakespeare makes mention of the plant as an ingredient in a drink that puts people to sleep for long periods of time.
“Not poppy, nor mandragora,
Nor all the drowsy syrups of the world,
Shall ever medicine thee to that sweet sleep
Which thou owedst yesterday.”
Othello (3.3.368-71)
b) Daisies and Violets:
“When daisies pied and violets blue
And lady-smocks all silver-white
And cuckoo-buds of yellow hue
Do paint the meadows with delight, ”
Love’s Labours Lost (5.2.900-4)
c) Roses:
“I have seen roses damask’d, red and white,
But no such roses see I in her cheeks…”
Sonnet 130
d) Lilies:
“Like the lily,
That once was mistress of the field and flourish’d,
I’ll hang my head and perish.”
Henry VIII (3.1.168-70)

In literature, roses often symbolize love and beauty; therefore, they also represent ladies. Roses are a frequently used flower symbol. From a Christian perspective, a rose is a symbol of heaven and harmony in the world. Furthermore, the rose is considered the flower of the Virgin Mary.
The color of the rose is often significant.
- red for romantic love, selflessness, sacrifice
- white for purity, charm, silence, “You are heavenly”, reverence, humility, youthfulness, innocence
- pink for youth, early love, recovery
- yellow for friendship, joy, freedom
- black for death, twisted relationships (Black Rose)
- blue for fantasy, something unattainable
Like other plants, a rose, especially one that is still alive, can also carry overtones of growth, renewal. The thorns of a rose represent on how nothing is perfect – thus the saying “Every rose has its thorn”. In actuality, the thorns are prickles that are used to cling onto other vegetation or to protect itself. Its prickles are also capable of causing sporotrichosis after puncturing the skin. Due to this, rose bushes can also provide a barrier.
Shakespeare: As You Like It

Shakespeare: As You Like It
Hang there on this tree, you lines of poetry, and bear witness to my love.
And you, goddess of the moon , queen of the night—with your chaste eye, from your pale home up above—watch your huntress, who has the power to control my life.
Oh, Rosalind, these trees will be my books—I’ll write my thoughts down on their bark.
That way, everyone who passes through this forest will find your virtues everywhere. Run, run, Orlando, on every tree carve praises of her beauty, her virtue, and her inexpressibility.
ROSALIND(reading, as Ganymede)
From the far east to the west IndiesThere is no jewel like Rosalind.
Her worth is carried on the windAnd it blows throughout the world, carrying the name of Rosalind.
All the most beautiful paintingsAre black when compared to Rosalind.
Don’t think of any beauty But the beauty of Rosalind.

Rosalind and Celia by Hugh Thomson
Let me try:If there’s a buck who needs a doe Tell him Rosalind will do.
A cat in heat will look for a mate, And Rosalind certainly will too.
Winter garments need to be filled with something, And so does skinny Rosalind.
After you harvest, you have to sheaf and bind So throw ripe Rosalind on the harvest cart.
The sweetest nut has the sourest rind And Rosalind is that kind of nut.
The man who finds the sweetest rose Will be pricked by it, and by Rosalind.
This is exactly the false way that verses gallop along. Why bother with them?
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1+ Shakespeare Book: First Folio
2+ Shakespeare Comedy Book: As You Like It!
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