1agnebookwrtng, all my writing, ideas, creative writing, in sebkinfo go ddy

+ Promotional
+ Health food
+ raw foods
+ greens, sprouts
+ health products
+ centenarians
+ 4 Seasons Gardening
+ smart ebooks reading
+ vision 2020 plus
+ best 100 plus
smart rosy
in details, little, still,
+ Promotional
+ Health food
+ raw foods
+ greens, sprouts
+ health products
+ centenarians
+ 4 Seasons Gardening
Human Right
4 types of civilized human being and humans civilizations!
4 types of civilized human being and humans civilizations base on, 4 Seasons Gardening Agreements and Friendships:
Wanting to learn information to know and become able to wisely organize, use, and appreciate 1+ self 2+ water 3+ air 4+ energy 5+ soil 6+ Space 7+ time 8+ planets 9+ stars 10+ galaxies and universe
Type 1 civilizations want to learn information and knows self ( or Human and Humanity ) and how to be able to wisely organize, care, use, and appreciate his or her, the best and highest possible, personal, family, social, and spiritual life and education, Job or business plus financial prosperity, inner and environment freedom safety and security, body, mind, feeling spiritual health and wellness, also bodies ( water, energies, breathing, and physics ) plus information, energy, time, and space %80+ of all
[ humanity now on 2020 are around %70+ ( %40+ human and humanity + %30 of plant earth)
Type 2 civilizations want to learn information and knows how to be able to wisely organize and use, and appreciate earth: water, energies, weather, soil, and four seasons gardening agriculture + discovers many laws and creates all kinds of tools for muli usage plus one or few supercomputers (AI) to control %80+ of all
Type 3 civilizations want to learn information and knows how to be able to wisely organize, use, and appreciate planets and stars: water, energies, weather, soil, and 1+ to 4+ to 10+ seasons gardening discovers many laws and creates all kinds of tools for muli usage plus one central computer to control %80+ of all
Type 4 civilizations want to learn information and knows how to be able to wisely organize, use, and appreciate planets, stars and galaxies universally: water, energies, weather, and soil and 1+ to 4+ to 10+ seasons gardening plus discovers many laws and creates all kinds of tools for muli usage plus one central computer to control %80+ of all
[ For 4 Seasons Gardening Friends, Information is the key and main or most impotent necessary thing to know and use wisely, fortunately now is the information age, and information increasing or doubling every day abundantly.
Hopefully, each season or month more information, products, services, interested, informed people being available. and wants to learn information for knowing human and humanity plus how to be able to organize, use, and appreciate their own, body, mind, feeling, spirit and their bodies ( water, energies, breathing, and physics ) plus Earth ( water, energies, weather, soil ) and 1+ to 4+ to 10+ seasons gardening to produce more foods plus discovering many laws and creates all kinds of tools for muli usage and one or few central computers to control %80+ of all information, energy, time, space, planets, stars, and galaxies universally.
care 4 Seasons Gardening Agree pro Friends are 4 groups of professional people who are the main creator, maker, developer, helper, server, worker, investor, participants, organizer, manager, interested, like, lover, supporter, Their are friends in needs, tested, trusted, time after time in history, long time in the past, now and forever. People in all society rely on them with certainty, and ++++
1+ Agriculture age people gardeners, farmers, all growers + all foods industry like all food workers, supermarkets, groceries, restaurants, coffee shops, etc. water, fire, air, soil, spri ngs, summaries, fall, winters people
2+ Industrial age people from industrial ages, all workers and business specially smartphones creators and makers
3+ Information ages people, teachers, librarians, computer, internet, smartphones apps, programmers and developers, specially Languages [ listening, talking, reading, writing plus]
The best guess for the upcoming futuristic ages!? Nobody knows, but just as the best possible educated guess for next age, anyway, we agree to nominate Longevity and Centenarians, age people, to 4 Seasons Gardening to Group and continue with best Prays and Wishes to average human life span become 100 years and more
4+ ? Longevity and centenarians age people, Centenarian, Seniors, Healthy and Health minded, Health professional and experts, Drs, nurses, pharmacist, health pro, health foods writers, health-related products, services, and heir producers plus health and wellness teachers, librarians, computer, internet, smartphones apps, programmers and developers for living healthy and long 100+
But these are the other best guess, for what are the next ages going about? Specially after information age? Nobody knows, but just as the best possible educated guess for next age after information age?
5+ ? ( Transportation Age, everything, everybody can transport or moved everywhere on earth with in 1 hour!? ),
6+ ? ( Space Age or Abounded Age millions of humans for next million years lives on millions of planets, stars, and galaxies in this universe!? Everything going to available abundantly, like information, energy, water, Foods, products, services, volunteers, helps, cares [ most of the things going to be down by computers and robots ] ),
7+ ? ( Ideal Age of Utopians Society the time and place in which everything is perfect, pleasant, satisfactory, organized with no financial worries, no violent talks or behavior, no problems or harm exist among the Utopians. All things are natural. All people are happy, healthy, prosper and everything works for the greater good of all!? Or just, Wishful thinking and dreaming ),
8+ ? ( Spiritual Age after coming, teaching, and works of the perfect one and his friends. All in Godly and perfect level, way higher than the normal mind, thoughts, wisdom, and explanation, Just for prayers, blessed, loving, caring, graceful and grateful friends of The God, altogether lovely one, in the earth and Highest Heaven above forevermore. “amen“!? )
9+ Who knows what is future going to be? Or only times continuum going to reveal for future generations!
What are your best guesses ? Or what are your best 100 guesses? Try and retry to know your self, also tell to 4 Seasons Gardeners and to others? “Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. Matthew 7:7
10+ But what, why and how really Going, to be, or not to be, that is the Question?
Matthew 7:7
New Living Translation
“Keep on searching, and you will receive answers to your questions. Keep on looking, and you will see and find what you looking for. Keep on clicking, and the jobs will be down for you digitally.
New International Version
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.
New Living Translation
“Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.
English Standard Version
“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.
Berean Study Bible
Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you.
Humans like most animals in nature was only had foods with hunting and gathering for millions of years for 1 or 2 seasons abundantly, and for 2 or 3 and 4 seasons little by little, if could be found, was just for surviving of lucky ones. Only humans from around 10/000 years ago especially from 4000 years ago start agriculture, gardening, farming, domesticated animals and saves foods for more seasons even for all seasons year around.
Globally, in recent years, there are billions ( with their families about 4 billion ) people working in agriculture to produce foods for themself and all humans and even for some animals. There are around 2 billions of people makes 90%+ of their own foods, and around 2 billions of people make more then %50+ of their own foods, and around 2 billions of people %25 and around 2 billion makes %10 to %0 of their own foods to eat and save for all seasons year around. By the year 2050 most of 8, 9 or 10 billion people ( %60 to %70 + ) going to live in or around the city and produce less and less foods for themself and for others. In the same time, every one like it, and health experts also nutritionist recommends to eat more fresh natural foods especially more fruits and vegetables all year around even in the fall and winter.
As one of the best solutions, some humans from a few thousand years ago, especially from a few hundred years ago, stars 2 or 3 even 4 seasons gardening and farming. Smart Humans in the first and second decades of the twenty-first century from the year 2000 to 2010 and to 2020 becomes more serious and making much more 2, 3, and 4 seasons gardening more and more all around the globe possible. Every year more people becoming informed, interested, agree, involve, invest in, support, order even pre-order, and buy four seasons produce happily and joyfully eat them with satisfaction even in the winter.
Pak Organization and Company ( startup ) makes its own mission and vision with passion, to take this best solution of four seasons Gardening to produce more foods for more people, Globally by Promoting.
Pak Company, 4 Seasons Gardening collection, the Best 100 Global 4 Seasons Gardening Flowers, Greens, Fruits, Vegetables, Foods, Books, eBooks, Information, Products, Services, and lots of Promotional Contents, Free for all Visitors plus
Global, ( Spring Gardening + Summer Gardening + Fall Gardening + Winter Gardening) plus ( all about Water and Drinking Water + Fire and Sunshine Energy + Air and Weather + Soil and Foods ) plus Rose Gardens + Flowers Gardens + Health Foods + Centenarians Info + Vision 2020 + Shakespeare in 4 Languages + Best 100 Plus Daily, Weekly, Monthly full moon days and nights, and Seasonal, 21th of March Spring Day, 21th of June Summer Day, 21th of September Fall Day, 21th of December Winter Day, 4 Seasons Gardening, Celebration, Shows, Exhibitions, Markets, and Events also online with smartphone apps, ( Smart ebooks reading information ), computers, interactive, multi-media, social media, youtube, and the internet, plus
4 seasons gardening at all levels. For personal, families, groups, companies, organizations, villages, cities, countries, local and global 1,2,3, and 4 seasons gardening, to produce for commercial abundantly and for families as much as possible, and at a personal level each individual to grow and produce for themself minimum of,
To grow 100 + Grams daily or 100 + of flowers daily ( Roses and other flowers mostly edible )
To grow 100 + Grams daily of Greens ( Herbs, Sprouts )
To grow 100 + Grams daily of Vegetables
To Grow 100 + Grams daily of Fruits
400 gram plus daily all year around or for 4 seasons producing fresh flowers, greens, vegetables and fruits = 400t365 = 146000 or 146 klgrmt100yr=15000= 15 tons
These foods are produce and used as natural, fresh, raw, organic, local, foods for living long and healthy.
also growing, and producing their own foods naturally with love, and especial care, environmental are natural, beautiful, healthy, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual relaxing, calming, joyful, helpful, happy, hobby, or even some work, job, and business to keep body and mind 100 plus year life long busy and active) ( less stress, worry, anxiety, sadness, depression, emptiness, fear, anger, haters, violence, also mental, emotional, and physical sickness for being far from nature and nothing to do)
( less time, money, use of unnatural energy, pollution to produce, transport, cook, and destroyed environments, their natural vitamins, and nutritional value )

members and memberships
Best 100 Centenarian Healthy lifestyle Information, Books, Foods, Gifts, Products and Services plus lots of Promotional Contents, Free for all Visitors
These Information, Products, and Services are some of the best results of human prays, desires, and try for living healthy and long for more than 100 years. They are the best result and achievements of more than 100 billion humans being lived in the past 100/000 years and especially in the last 100 years. They have abundant value but the cost for humanity is in the 100s billion dollars. Last 100 years humans spend 100’s billion dollars and in the next 100 years going to cost more.
these are free for all visitors to read, watch, listen to multimedia contents and also have a interactive experiences.
( 4 Seasons Gardeners centenarians club, membership area is in developments coming in the next few years, now is free for all visitors but anyone interested, can apply to reserve places, for any level but for now, is free to all visitors . )
4 Seasons Gardeners centenarians info membership fees:
Free for all visitors now at: https://4seasonsgardensplus.com/centenarians-info/
1+ 100 penny or $1 dollar a year ( for becoming official member and access to members area )
2+ $100 dollar a year ( for becoming an official member and access to the member’s area )( for receiving monthly and seasonal newsletter )
3+ $100/000 a year for ( for becoming an official member and access to the member’s area )( for receiving monthly and seasonal newsletter ) ( plus contact to an available professional in the chosen topic for consultation custom made special reports and info for one person )
4+ $100/000/000 ( $100 million ) for 100 years plus life long membership
( for receiving monthly and seasonal newsletter ) ( plus custom made special reports and info for one person) ( plus 100+ contact longevity specialist, experts, and supercomputer yearly checkups, tests, recommendations, and treatments ) [ lon-gev-ity]
( 4 Seasons Gardeners centenarians info membership area is in developments coming in the next few years, but anyone interested, can apply to reserve places for any level. )
but for now free for all visitors now at: https://4seasonsgardensplus.com/centenarians-info/

global 4 seasons foods
best health foods
7.8 billion human living by 2020 globally
2+ billion kids and teens
2+ billion seniors and centenarians
4+ billion men
4+ billion women
4 billion smartphone user,
4+ billion internet user,
4+ billion Wikipedia readers,
4+ billion people know Shakespeare by reading some of his books or by going to live theater or watching his movies, and TVshows ( To be, or not to be, Shakespeare fans, That is the question ? )
4+ billions of people living in gardens and farms as a family of more than 1 billion working professionals to produce, transport, sell or serve foods and drinks,
4+ billion people live in or around the cities. ( and by 2050 around 6 to 7 billion )
From 2020 foods and drink use by 7.8 or by 2030 more than 8 billion human living in global earth.
each person consumes 3 full meals ( breakfast, lunch, and diners ) and 3 snacks ( 1 in the morning, 1 afternoon, and 1 in the evening ) totally around 6 times eating. So 8 billion people have 6*8= 48 billion meal or more than 8* 3 kilograms = 24 or 24 million tons of all kinds foods a day or in 24 hours, or 8*4 kg = 32 billion kg or 32 billion tons of all kinds foods
Each human every day drinks water, juices, teas, coffee or other liquids, in cold, room temperature, or hot drinks about or more than 6 times a day or in 24 hours around 2 to 4 litters ( depends on cold or hot weathers ) that’s about 6*8=48 billion times or 16 to 32 billion litters
( According to the UN forecasts, the global population of the earth going to be, by 2050 around 10 billion and remain the same for the 21st century, 22st, 23st, and 24 centuries. ) ( so human foods and drinks consumption going to be around 30 to 40 billion kilograms of all kinds foods and 30 to 40 billion liters of water or different liquids a day for all humans )
each person consumes 3 full meals ( breakfast, lunch, and diners ) and 3 snacks ( 1 in the morning, 1 afternoon, and 1 in the evening ) totally around 6 times eating. So each person each month 30*6=180 time have or each year 365*6= 2130 time meal or more than 365* 3 kilograms = 1095 or time to 4 kg= 1460 kg a year around 100 to 150 tons of foods for 80 to 100 years plus living
Each human every day drinks water, juices, teas, coffee, or other liquids, in cold, room temperature, or hot drinks about or more than 6 times a day or in 24 hours around 2 to 4 litters ( depends on cold or hot weathers ) that’s about 6*365=2190 times or 730 to 1460 litters for 1 year and 60/000 to 120/000 litters for 80 to 100 plus year plus for each person.

Global 4 Seasons Gardening dream budgets, story money 400/000 billion dollars or 400 trillion dollars or 1000 billion dollars a year for the next 400 years.
To make earth natural environments as good as possible, To make better foods for all 10 million people 4 seasons available, and to make living as best as possible. the only question is how to make it right in the story and real in nature and in the life?
with story money for the next 400 years ( not real budget or money ) but as a science fiction story money, trying to make it as fiction as dreamy and as science really right and doable as possible. or Just fiction, or by best 100 plus trying and retying for retryment in the first and second 100 years of living happy, healthy, prosper, learning, working and socializing, or as a Ray Story promoter, raising that from investors with highest return and profits, or for good cause donations from loving and caring donores, for water care for energy care for air and weather care or for suil and foods care, for health care, for long living seniors and centenarians care, or for reading, and writing care, or for learning and education care, or for global 4 seasons gardening cares, or for trees forest and greens care, or for nature and environments care, or for art and cultural care, or for language and literature care, or for vision 2020 plus care, or for best 100 plus healthy hearing care, or for best 100 plus cares, or for 17 UN 2030 development care, or for UN 100th anniversary care at year 2045, or for smart books ebooks and encyclopedia reading care, or for kids teens young mideellage senior and centenarian care, or by best caring helpful people, or by working with best working people, or by consultents, advise and guidens of expert and experienced peoples, or by making best gardens and farmes and producing foods, or by purifing water of oseans for bottling water and drinks, or as businessman make that from best customer and clients, or by profits from selles plus customer service and satisfaction, or by imports and exports, or by working hard and long, or by best machines and robots in the factories, or by best informative ideas creativity, and inventions, or in the information age by higher information and education. or by creative writing books and ebooks, or by internet and best websites developments, or from members membership fees, or by positive thinking, or by rosy attitudes, or with smiles and being happy and satisfied, or by being thankful, grateful, and appreciative, or by wise investments, or by asking right questions, or just being lucky, or by smart goal setting and planning, or by caring, loving, helping and serving self, family, people, universe and God, or by prays and goodwill, or by being in the inner peace forever, or to be saved and inspired by the Holy Spirit, Or Being Blessed by the Amazing Grace!?
$400/000 billion or 400 trillion story money or budget for 400 years of 4 season gardening each year 1000 billion dollars.
That’s 400/000 b for 400 years, each year 1000 b , every 100 years or century 100/000 b
1+ First 100/000 billion for the first century or 21 century, each year 1000 billion dollars
2+ Second 100/000 billion for the second century or 22 century each year 1000 billion dollars
3+ Third 100/000 billion for the third century or 23 century each year 1000 billion dollars
4+ Fourth 100/000 billion for the fourth century or 24 century each year 1000 billion dollars
+ smart ebooks reading

Smart eBooks Reading, Information Story and History
All living animals always watching, listening, feeling, and need natural information to find their own water, foods, safety, family, living places, and other needs.
Human kinds, Homo spains ( The wise man ) beside all-natural information, for the last 10/000 years wanted learning and knowing of manmade artificial information by sounds or talking words ( mostly as short and long stories all was in the size of a few books ).
Humans for the last 4000 years invented or created writing systems, learning, reading their written information, and from 500 years ago printing words, so collective information becomes ( more than 100 million books )
By becoming from the industrial age to the information age, by the invention of printing information collected for reading from the past and resents writing, so there was a need for learning and education. ( More than 100 million books to read plus lots of letters, newspapers, magazines, documents and etc. )
With the invention of typing, computers, the internet from 70 years ago, and digitally storing data, collective information becomes ( more than 100s billion books and doubling each year ).
From hunting and gettering foods to finding and collecting information, knowledge from between billions or abounded data, and do not be lost, confuse or lose time, money, and life.
In the information age,
information society,
information economy,
information base education
the right information are the best and most valuable thing to have,
and not knowing, ignorance, rung or lots of mix information’s are worst thing to have, and most costly situation to be.
From the year 2000 some smart people creat smartphones ( or smart tables, laptops computers ) for managing information the smart way to use smartphones to call, and receive call or email, SMS, reading ebooks, websites and news, listen to music or any audio, search and find the answer to any question, GPS, maps and direction, watching video or youtube, write, type, record, tack a picture, make videos, apps, multimedia, interactive social networking, receive news, weather forecast, watch sport play games, buy, sell make all financial transactions and businesses, online learning, and education, plus much more….
For most people smartphone becomes the best, number 1 and the most impotent gadget to have and use all the time.
In 2020 there are 4 billion smartphones in use and in the next five years going to increase to around 6 billion-plus and every 5 years they have to be upgraded to 5 billion a brand new smartphone and soon from a few hundred time to a few million, billion time better, faster with more advance function and useful benefits.
The next big developments in the information industry are the (AI) Artificial Intelligence to manage abundant information and digital activity by 1 or a few supercomputers.
Finding the right information, at the right time, right place, and the right situation, are getting right benefits of information age
Setting Smart goals ( S.M,A.R.T Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realestic, and Timely goals ) recommened for all valiable purpose of life.
Smart eBooks Reading means to chose, read, and learn first priority information to achieve goals of life. That’s mean to find
right books, ebooks, magazines, documents, information and focus with full attention, to concentrate for archiving top priority of life in any situation.
Pak Organization and Company ( startup ) makes its own mission and vision with passion, to collect Smartphones, ebooks, and all kinds of reading or using the information for more people, Globally by Promoting.
Best 100 Smart eBooks Reading, Techniques, Information, eBooks, Books, Products, and Services plus lots of Promotional Contents, Free for all Visitors at: www.Smartebooksreading.info
[ Some of the best motivational, promotional, informational, educational documentary, and sample books, ebooks, video, audio, music, pictures, links, about Smart eBooks Reading From top to bottom of the page to read or watch, listen, learn, use and to enjoy with satisfaction ] [ Copyrighted materials are for fair use only, to use for any other purpose contact for permission from all party of copyright holders. ]
Promotional Guide charges members and companies some membership and promotional fees.
For the buyers of any items, prices are the same as they buy directly from Amazon or other companies.
Humans usually receive most of the men made information by eyes ( seeing, looking, watching, reading, visualizing, and dreaming ) and by ears ( hearing and listening ) ( around %70+ by eyes and %30+ by ears ).
So eye cares and ear cares becomes very important for seeing. hearing, learning, working, socializing, and for general healthy living to around 80 to 100 years.
Pak Organization and Company ( startup ) makes its own mission and vision with passion, to promote the best 100 information for Vision 2020 Plus and for ( The Best 100 Plus Hearing webpages Coming Soon ) in 4 Season Gardening and Smart eBooks Reading, collection for visitors and members.
+ vision 2020 plus
+ best 100 plus
smart rosy

best civilizations
4 types of civilized human being and humans civilizations
4 types of civilized human being and humans civilizations base on:
wanting to learn information to know and become able to organize and use 1+ self, 2+ water, 3+ air, 4+ energy, 5+ soil, 6+ planets, 7+ stars and 8+ galaxies 9+ spaces 10+ Times
type 1+ wants to learn information and knows self and how to be able to organize and use his or her, body, mind, feeling and spirit and body water, energies, air and body physics
type 2+ wants to learn information and knows how to be able to organize and use, planets: water, energies, weather, soil, and four seasons gardening agriculture + discovers many laws and creates all kinds of tools for muli usage plus one central computer to control all
type 3+ wants to learn information and knows how to be able to organize and use, planets and stars: water, energies, weather, soil and 1+ to 4+ to 10+ seasons gardening discovers many laws and creates all kinds of tools for muli usage plus one central computer to control all
type 4 + wants to learn information and knows how to be able to organize and use, planets, stars and galaxies: water, energies, weather and soil and 1+ to 4+ to 10+ seasons gardening plus discovers many laws and creates all kinds of tools for muli usage plus one central computer to control all
[ information is key and main or most impotent necessary thing witch fortunately now is the information age, and information increasing or doubling each day or week or month or seasons or year or hopefully each season going to be more information and even products and services plus interested and informed people about Water, fire, air, and soil and related products and services ]
1 + Promoter and organizer student
4+ presidents and top leading managers and organizers
40+ Vice presidents managers and organizers
400 + managers and organizers
4000+ middle managers and organizers
40/000+ assistance managers and organizers
400/000+ director managers and organizers
4000/000+ educated professions, or experts in the field
40/000/000+ working people part or full time with pay and business owners and worker
400/000/000+ caring voluntaries
4000/000/000+ 4 billion caring 4 seasons gardeners, and students of 4 Seasons Company and Organization
1+ billion for spring gardening and water plus drinking water care +
1+ billion for summer gardening and fire plus energy care +
1+ billion for fall gardening and air plus weather care +
1+ billion for winter gardening and soil plus foods care, learning students studying 4 Season Gardening +
7.8000/000/000 living human in 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 for all and anyone to live, to learn, to work, to socialize better, happy, healthy, prosper, and informed to care or not to care, that is the question?
10/000/000/000 living human from 2045 to 2100st, 2200 st, 2300st, and 2400st + longer time on the future, for all and anyone to live, to learn, to work, to socialize better, happy, healthy, prosper, and informed to care or not to care, that is the question?
4 Seasons Company and Organization 1 million caring spring gardeners, and students + 100/000 for spring gardening and water plus drinking water caring voluntaries, + 10/000 working people part or full time with pay and business owners and workers + 1/000 educated professions, or experts in the field, + 100 directors and organizers + 10 assistance managers and organizers 1+ middle managers and organizers
10/000/000 + 4 million caring 4 seasons gardeners, and students + 1 million for spring gardening and water plus drinking water care + 1 million for summer gardening and fire plus energy care + 1 million for fall gardening and air plus weather care + 1 million for winter gardening and soil plus foods care = + 400/000 voluntaries, + 40/000 working people part or full time with pay and business worker + 4000 educated professions, or experts in the field, + 400 directors and organizer + 40 assistance manager and organizers + 4 middle managers and organizers + 1 managers and organizers
100/000/000 + 40 million caring 4 seasons gardeners, and students + 10 million for spring gardening and water plus drinking water care + 10 million for summer gardening and fire plus energy care + 10 million for fall gardening and air plus weather care + 10 million for winter gardening and soil plus foods care = + 4/000/000 voluntaries, + 400/000 working people part or full time with pay and business owners and worker + 40/000 educated professions, or experts in the field, + 4000 directors and organizers + 400 assistance manager and organizers + 40 middle managers and organizers 4+ managers and organizers + 1 vice presidents, managers, and organizers
1000/000/000 = + ?
10/000/000/000 + 4 Seasons Company and Organization 4 billion caring 4 seasons gardeners, and students + 1 billion for spring gardening and water plus drinking water care + 1 billion for summer gardening and fire plus energy care + 1 billion for fall gardening and air plus weather care + 1 billion for winter gardening and soil plus foods care = + 400/000/000 caring voluntaries, + 40/000/000 working people part or full time with pay and business worker + 4000/000 educated professions, or experts in the field, + 400/000 directors and organizers + 40/000 assistance managers and organizers + 4000 + middle managers and organizer 400+smanagers and organizers 40 + vice presidents, managers, and organizers 4+ presidents and top leading managers and organizers +1 promoter and organizer
10 =4
100 + 40
10/000 + 4000
1000/000 + 4 Seasons Company and Organization 1 million caring spring gardeners, and students + 100/000 for spring gardening and water plus drinking water caring voluntaries, + 10/000 working people part or full time with pay and business owners and workers + 1/000 educated professions, or experts in the field, + 100 directors and organizers + 10 assistance managers and organizers 1+ middle managers and organizers
10/000/000 + 4 million caring 4 seasons gardeners, and students + 1 million for spring gardening and water plus drinking water care + 1 million for summer gardening and fire plus energy care + 1 million for fall gardening and air plus weather care + 1 million for winter gardening and soil plus foods care = + 400/000 voluntaries, + 40/000 working people part or full time with pay and business worker + 4000 educated professions, or experts in the field, + 400 directors and organizer + 40 assistance manager and organizers + 4 middle managers and organizers + 1 managers and organizers
100/000/000 + 40 million caring 4 seasons gardeners, and students + 10 million for spring gardening and water plus drinking water care + 10 million for summer gardening and fire plus energy care + 10 million for fall gardening and air plus weather care + 10 million for winter gardening and soil plus foods care = + 4/000/000 voluntaries, + 400/000 working people part or full time with pay and business owners and worker + 40/000 educated professions, or experts in the field, + 4000 directors and organizers + 400 assistance manager and organizers + 40 middle managers and organizers 4+ managers and organizers + 1 vice presidents, managers, and organizers
1000/000/000 = + ?
10/000/000/000 + 4 Seasons Company and Organization 4 billion caring 4 seasons gardeners, and students + 1 billion for spring gardening and water plus drinking water care + 1 billion for summer gardening and fire plus energy care + 1 billion for fall gardening and air plus weather care + 1 billion for winter gardening and soil plus foods care = + 400/000/000 caring voluntaries, + 40/000/000 working people part or full time with pay and business worker + 4000/000 educated professions, or experts in the field, + 400/000 directors and organizers + 40/000 assistance managers and organizers + 4000 + middle managers and organizer 400+smanagers and organizers 40 + vice presidents, managers, and organizers 4+ presidents and top leading managers and organizers +1 promoter and organizer
[ 400 trillion dollars budgets for 400 years, for the year 2045 goal are 45/000/000/000 or 40 trillion dollars assets and inventories + 4000/000/000 or 4 trillion dollars yearly budgets and expenses or production, selles or ..plus 1 trillion dollars yearly new investments..to achieve the goal of %4+ of worlds GDP by Global 4 Seasons Gardening and caring Gardeners and friends ]
Global Human ID, UN members ID, UNESCO libraries ID, Global 4 Seasons Gardener ID
1 God, 1 universe, 1 Earth, 1 sun, 1 Moon, 1 unique human, 1 body, 1 Name, 1 number, 1 ID,
by year 2020 around 7.8 billion people living on earth
7.8000/000/000 living human in 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 and 10/000/000/000 living human from 2045 to 2100 or 21st, 2200 , 2300, and 2400 longer time in the future, for all and anyone to live, to learn, to work, to socialize better, happy, healthy, prosper, and informed to care or not to care, that is the question?
1 God (for the believer), 1 universe, 1 sun, 1 Moon, 1 Earth, 1 nature, 1 unique human, 1 unique body, 1 unique Name, 1 unique number, 1 unique fingertip, 1 unique eye, 1 unique DNA, 1 unique identity or ID, 1 +++
but there are many similar names or ID numbers, these are one of best solution,
According some information there around 100/000/000/000 human being lived on the earth until 1900 or year 2000.
to make all name unique all 1 or 2 and 3 names and family can only be for one person first come, first serve, and others similar names have to ad 1 or 2 names or word to have a unique name forever. any alphabet, name or word or symbols it is %100 free to chose and make their name easy to remember, read, write, pronounce, meaningful, beautiful, ( one the best recommendation are to add flowers name to existing names. ) so everyone in the family, school, high schools, university, neighborhoods, works, business, borders, legal issue, borders, in foreign countries, in all computers and internet, financial markets, banking, locally, nationally, globally and universally in his or her past, present and future or forever in-universe for all generation going to one name of 4 words and 12 digits of numbers ( and can be changed if the person choose with some legal processing )
Peace of mind, self relines, knowing self, by starting from 100/000/000/001 to 1010,000,000/000 almost all living human until the year 2045 can have unique number even for fare future adds to second 100 billion to becomes 200 billion, even for million years 12 digits to 999,999,999,999 or one to trillion going to be unique 12 digits numbers.
Also first 1 to 100,000,111,111or first 111/111 can be keep for anyone who can get caring, helping, serving or any best quality apprvall from 100 people.
and first 11/111 for server and vote of 1000
1 to 10 billion = +1
1 b = 10 people b
100m = for 1oo p
10m = 1000p
1m = 10/000 people
languages and Shakespeare
Welcome ladies and gentleman’s to continue our 4 Seasons Gardening tour.
Okay fist thing first and one ate the time.
The first and most difference between humans and animals is language. The first or most important book ever written by human ( other than religious and official educational books ) written by Shakespeare and even the name of the book is first Folio.
the first and best highest talents of humans are learning and using languages.
The first creation, most highly developed human inventions are languages
The first skills human learns from childhood is language
The first official education is learning languages in school
The first official human position, title, is a student for the study of languages
The first and most encouragement, motivation, rewards, prays and complements human receives in childhood and in whole life are for listening and understanding, talking, reading and writing or for to understand and to be understood and right, correct, respectfully, happy and joyful communication with other humans
The first thing human use as the baby is language and the thing is the use of language in the will
The first and highest sign of wisdom ( as the greatest virtue of human ) is language, wisdom is a language ( The unlucky human who are growing by animals in the jungles, and couldn’t talk, never showed any sign of wisdom, but fortunate children from jungles who grow up in cities and went university got Ph.D. and become very wise Dr in many fields even Ph.D. in language and literature.
The first thing every
The first thing that makes a natural human ( living, eating, drinking, reproduction, sleeping ) intellectual, wise, smart, thinker, visionary, logical, with will and choice, dedication, goal setting, and achiever is
The first thing that makes the human possibility of knowing the time, past, present, and future are languages, with not knowing language times becomes very short time and limited like monkies and champs and people who live in the jungles.
The first thing that makes human spiritually realizable, and manifest love, care, help, services, compassion bless and grace is languages
The first priority of achieving life long goals are languages.
The first priority of human is to learn and improve languages specially in the information age, information society, information technology to use computer the languages are the key for asking questions and finding collecting answers ,
The first and most income, profits, and financial benefits most human receive are from use of languages
The first official recognitions or certificates, licenses
alive and talking or dead silent ?
The first folio book individually and from 20 to 40 to 100 and more is most printed, soled, played,
The first folio book altogether have abundant intellectual value plus financially each book individually priced more then 10/000/000 or 10 million dollars and collectively worth 100/000/000/000*100 = 10/000 billion or 10 trillion-dollar and much more, by the cost, price, the market value of all books in the publishing house, book stores, libraries, schooled, high schools, universities, organization, companies, offices, people house, movie studios, theaters, people hand, and pockets, encyclopedias,
in computers, internet, smartphones, apps,
The first folio book
The first folio book
The first folio book
The first folio book
The first
The first
The first
The first in communication, listening, talking, reaDING WRITING
The First Folio is the book of Shakespeare, English first, best and number Poet and Play Writer, Story and History, Comedy Writer
The First Folio is the first and the best and the most important
The First Folio
The First Folio
The First Folio is most, pricey, expensive, costly, valuable,
The First Folio book published in the year1623 and 2023 is the 400th anniversary year of the First Folio
Many fans and enthusiasts of William Shakespeare, who was one of England’s greatest poets and dramatists, celebrate National Shakespeare Day, also known as Shakespeare Day, on April 23 each year. April 23 is also the United Nations’ World Book and Copyright Day, which was a natural choice to pay a worldwide tribute to writers such as Shakespeare.
223 | Sun | Apr 23 | Shakespeare Day | Observance |
2023 Sunday Apr 23 Shakespeare Day
What the Folio Did for Us
The circumstances surrounding the creation of the First Folio are of keen interest to people inquiring into the authorship issue. Of course there are no existing manuscripts of Shakespeare’s plays or sonnets. Nothing much from Shakespeare’s hand at all, except a poorly written will and some business records. He left no letters. No notes. No literary record of any kind, which in itself is strange. Ben Jonson left a ton of stuff behind, as did other writers of the time. So with no record, how do we know about the plays at all? Two ways: the Quartos and the First Folio.
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