Smart Rosy
1 Red Rose
1 Books
1 person Rosalind
1 Location
1 Language
1 goal
Smart Rosy for Rosalind
by Ray Story
Best 100 Smart eBooks Reading Information, eBooks, Books, Products and Services plus lots of Promotional Contents Free for all Visitors
www. smart ebooks reading .info
stands for
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by Reading information, watching information, listening to information, Talking with the right information, Writing right information, educating information, memorizing and remembering better and faster information,
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Living, Learning, Working and Socializing plus, in Agricultural age, to Industrial age, to Information age.
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information reform or change or upgrade and update faster and faster almost every day.
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understanding, realizing, and comprehending information, using information for better Living, Learning, Working and Socializing
www. smart ebooks reading .info
stands for
Smart = Smart Humans, S.M.A.R.T Goals, Smartphone, Tablets, laptop and desktop computers, Smart Gagts, plus
eBooks = e-reading, email, e-news papers and magazines, e-documents,
reading =
[ information changed and changing and will be change faster and faster or information reforming everyday ] ,
خ8عغبئاد ب بیاد د
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Smart Rosy for Rosalind story by Ray story
Smart Rosy and Rosalind
Story by Ray Story

promotional Guide
Best 100 eBooks, Foods and Gifts Plus
Mohammad Reza Dastory Ray Dastory or Ray Story
Promoter, Writer and Guide Plus
365-1771 Robson Street Vancouver B.C V6G-1C9 Canada. (604) 446-3616 | |
For Pak organization and Company Promotional Guide, presents: Best 100 Books, Foods, Gifts Plus |
Promotion, Creative Writing and Guide for:
Four Season Garden, Natural Health Foods,
Flowers and Roses,
( Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter,
Water, Sunshine, Air, Soil )
and some other available Best 100
Information, Products and Services plus….
This sites are under construction, coming soon by :
Collection of Best100 ebooks, foods, gifts plus for:
1+ www. 4 seasons gardens pluse .com
2+ www. Smart ebooks reading .com
3+ www. Vision 2020 plus .com
4+ www. Best 100 plus .com
+ Four Seasons Gardens and gardening
+ [ Spring gardening, Summer Gardening
,Fall Gardening and Winter Gardening ]
+ Water, Sunshine energy or Fire, Air and Soil
+ Flowers and Rose Gardens
+ Raw Vegetarian Foods and Sprouts
+Shakspear Smoothies, Greens and Drinks
+ Natural Health Food +
+ Centenarian Foods ?
+Atlantic 4s gardens Islands, north ocean
Smart ebooks Reading. Info
In information age,
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information economy
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+Shakspear Smoothies, and Drinks
+ Centenarian Foods for second 100 years living?
+ Flowers and Rose Gardens
copy right + footer
For more information please contact:
Copyright © 2020 Smart ebooks

Ray Story, as a Student, Continuing, study and learn,
retrying, English, Persian and Azeri Turkish language, literature, art, culture, creative writing, short story, long story, science fiction story, ebooks story Smart reading +nature, foods, health, promotion, advertising, research and development + 4 seasons gardening
+ collective writing and collecting for Pak pg
best 100 ebooks, foods, gifts plus , collection
best 100 plus collection,
collecting for my best 100 collection
best 100 of, Wiki + Encyclopedias, dictionary,
memorial and info libraries, Shows, exhibitions, entertainments plus
Listening, talking, reading writing to be + few part of brain+ 100%+ interesting, love, Satisfaction success, right,calcolated, guaranty
Smart ebooks Reading. Info/ experiences, exercise , practice, research and development, betterment, spirit, attitude, science fiction responsibility, duty
+8+Best top 100, Wiki + Encyclopedias, references, centurion 4s gardener, retryment, 100$+100b, colocation
+9+4Seasons Garden Memorial and Information libraries, Shows, exhibitions, entertainments, medias, prs, un75, unesco, un2030,un2050 plus
+10+And some other available Best 100 Information, Products and Services plus…. plus [ so hlp me gdsp1+unpll+ ] slf talk75%95t99+
+1+Gdsp1+4rrd1,ahs,yim, ndwwwppp..10gbbest1%40+100+400+unp+ imownslfpic+ identity + personality, caracter, work, job, profs,art,lif
+2+yim, student, learing, engl, pers, langugletherture, culture , creative wring +health, food, sebokinfo [ rsponsbl+sav,care,lov,satsfy,sucs,ritcalco100%+]
4+Promotion, Creative Writing and Guide for:
+5+ Four Season Garden Market and Natural Health Food Guide
mostly raw vegetarian food, water, drink, books, products, services and best 100 plus
+6+( Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter, Water, Sunshine, Air, Soil ) +7+Smart Ebooks Reading Info,
+8+ best top 100, Wiki + Encyclopedias, references,
+9+ memorial and info libraries, Shows, exhibitions, entertainments plus
+10+and some other available Best 100 Information, Products and Services plus….

L4Seasons Garden Memorial and Information libraries, Shows, exhibitions, entertainments, medias, prs, un75, unesco, un2030,un2050 plus
L=+++75%+id, bus+++2018/68oct10gbbest for2019/20=88+%100+ [ 100ppl100dlr,q,a/rpt,rithlovsatfy-anyone 1%10,20p+]
+1+Gdsp1+4rrd1,ahs,yim, ndwwwppp..10gbbest1%40+100+400+unp+ imownslfpic+ identity + personality, caracter, work, job, profs,art,lif
+2+yim, student, learing, engl, pers, langugletherture, culture , creative wring +health, food, sebokinfo [ rsponsbl+sav,care,lov,satsfy,sucs,ritcalco100%+]


United Nation 100th anniversary at 24 October 2045
24 October 2019: The UN Secretariat has announced it is organizing a public consultation to generate a global vision for the year 2045, the 100th anniversary of the creation of the UN. The process aims to improve international institutions to meet the aspirations reflected in the 2030 Agenda and bolster the environment for international cooperation.
Beginning in January 2020, the UN will convene dialogues around the world with “all segments and generations of society,” with a particular focus on listening to youth and marginalized groups. Discussion moderators will utilize a one-minute survey methodology to create a digital feedback loop. Other methodologies for the consultation include a global scientific survey conducted with the Pew Foundation, and artificial intelligence (AI) “sentiment analysis” of social media feeds. Global Pulse and other partners in the UN system will help with processing the input.
United Nation 100th aniversery at 24th October 2045
The UN system launched a “one-minute survey” to engage people around the world in a consultation process on their aspirations for a better future.
The UN Secretary-General will present the ideas generated by the process during a high-level event to mark the UN’s 75th anniversary on 21 September 2020.
Learning, testing,
Best100 ebooks, foods, gifts, plus for:
1+ www. 4 seasons gardens pluse .com
2+ www. Smart ebooks reading .com
3+ www. Vision 2020 plus .com
4+ www. Best 100 plus .com
experiences, exercise , practice, research and development, betterment, sprit, attitude, science fiction responsibility, duty
+8+Best top 100, Wiki + Encyclopedias, references, centurion 4s gardener, retryment, 100$+100b, colocation
+9+4Seasons Garden Memorial and Information libraries, Shows, exhibitions, entertainments, medias, prs, un75, unesco, un2030,un2050 plus
Listening, talking, reading writing to be + few part of brain+ 100%+ intersting, love, Satisfaction success, right,calcold, guaranty
+5+F layer: Promotion, promoter Creative Writing Writer, Guide. Books, foods, gifts, super market, global, universe, calculated
+6+Four Season Garden and gardening, Natural Health Food, raw vegetarian books,foods,Sprouts,Shakspear smooties,Grens,water,drink+[Spring, Summer,Fall and Winter,Water, Sunshine, Air, Soil )
+7+Smart ebooks Reading. Info/ experiences, exercise , practice, research and development, betterment, sprit, attitude, science fiction responsibility, duty
+8+Best top 100, Wiki + Encyclopedias, references, centurion 4s gardener, retryment, 100$+100b, colocation
+9+4Seasons Garden Memorial and Information libraries, Shows, exhibitions, entertainments, medias, prs, un75, unesco, un2030,un2050 plus
+10+And some other available Best 100 Information, Products and Services plus…. plus [ so hlp me gdsp1+unpll+ ] slf talk75%95t99+
copyright footer
For more information please contact:
Copyright © 2020 Smart ebooks
istening, talking, reading writing to be + few part of brain+
Promotion, promoter
Creative Writing
Four Season
Market and
Food raw
vegetarian food,
water, drink,
+7+Smart Ebooks Reading Info,
+8+ best top 100, Wiki + Encyclopedias, references,
+9+ memorial and info libraries, Shows, exhibitions, entertainments plus
+10+and some other available Best 100 Information, Products and Services plus….
plus [Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter, Water, Sunshine, Air, Soil ) [ so hlp me gdsp1+unpll+ ]
slf talk75%95t99+
===== [ + 1234hrdnwmydcm+ = ] ======
+1+Gdsp1+4rrd1,ahs,yim, ndwwwppp..10gbbest1%40+75%rdnord+100yr+%400tmbt+unp+imownslfpic+identity+personality,caracter,work,job, professions, art,lif
As Ray Story, Student, Continuing study, learning, education, , and Persian language, literature, art, culture, creative writing,
Smart reading +nature, foods, health, promotion, advertising,
research and development
+3+Business card
+4+Listening, talking, reading writing to be + few part of brain+ 100%+ intersting, love, Satisfaction success, right,calcold, guaranty
+5+F layer: Promotion, promoter Creative Writing Writer, Guide. Books, foods, gifts, super market, global, universe, calculated
+6+Four Season Garden and gardening, Natural Health Food, raw vegetarian books,foods,Sprouts,Shakspear smooties,Grens,water,drink+[Spring, Summer,Fall and Winter,Water, Sunshine, Air, Soil )
+7+Smart ebooks Reading. Info/ experiences, exercise , practice, research and development, betterment, sprit, attitude, science fiction responsibility, duty
+8+Best top 100, Wiki + Encyclopedias, references, centurion 4s gardener, retryment, 100$+100b, colocation
+9+4Seasons Garden Memorial and Information libraries, Shows, exhibitions, entertainments, medias, prs, un75, unesco, un2030,un2050 plus
+10+And some other available Best 100 Information, Products and Services plus…. plus [ so hlp me gdsp1+unpll+ ] slf talk75%95t99+
cube, kifem, handy case,
[ saedy, shir, nmk, persian, flower garden, 4sgrdn, lang, gramer, \
lear and eeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Llistening, talking, reading writing to be + few part of brain+
Promotion, promoter
Creative Writing Writer,
Four Season
Market and
Food raw
vegetarian food,
water, drink,
+7+Smart Ebooks Reading Info,
+8+ best top 100, Wiki + Encyclopedias, references,
+9+ memorial and info libraries, Shows, exhibitions, entertainments plus
+10+and some other available Best 100 Information, Products and Services plus….
plus [Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter, Water, Sunshine, Air, Soil ) [ so hlp me gdsp1+unpll+ ]
slf talk75%95t99+
===== [ + 1234hrdnwmydcm+ = ] ======
+1+Gdsp1+4rrd1,ahs,yim, ndwwwppp..10gbbest1%40+75%rdnord+100yr+%400tmbt+unp+imownslfpic+identity+personality,caracter,work,job, professions, art,lif
+2+Yim, student, lring, engl, pers, langglture, cultr, creative wring +health, food, sebokinfo[ rsponsbl+sv,cre,lov,satsfy,sucs,ritcalco100%+]
+3+Business card
+4+Listening, talking, reading writing to be + few part of brain+ 100%+ intersting, love, Satisfaction success, right,calcold, guaranty
+5+Flayer: Promotion, promoter Creative Writing Writer, Guide. Books, foods, gifts, super market, global, universe, calculated
+6+Four Season Garden, Natural Health Food, raw vegetarian books,foods,Sprouts,Shakspear smooties,Grens,water,drink+[Spring, Summer,Fall and Winter,Water, Sunshine, Air, Soil )
+7+Smart ebooks Reading. Info/ experiences, exercise , practice, research and development, betterment, sprit, attitude, science fiction responsibility, duty
+8+Best top 100, Wiki + Encyclopedias, references, centurion 4s gardener, retryment, 100$+100b, colocation
+9+4Seasons Garden Memorial and Information libraries, Shows, exhibitions, entertainments, medias, prs, un75, unesco, un2030,un2050 plus
+10+And some other available Best 100 Information, Products and Services plus…. plus [ so hlp me gdsp1+unpll+ ] slf talk75%95t99+
cube, kifem, handy case,
[ saedy, shir, nmk, persian, flower garden, 4sgrdn, lang, gramer,

+Atlantic 4s garden islands ebooks story
1+ 2+ 3+ 5+ real exiting island and cities and peoples nation
6+ Atlantic ocean info wiki 7+ Atlantis stories 8+ books 9+ movies 10+ Atlantis 4 Seasons Gardens Islands Story
100+ plus +
101+ centenarians + Age 101 and Still Having Fun
12++ notes = 1to10to20+30++100+
books+ebooks+ foods+ gifts+ products+services+
information+ wiki+ +
Promotional Guide
Best 100 Books, eBooks, Foods and Gifts plus
Ray Story, Promoter, writer and Guide plus
student, studying in life long learning [ English and Persian, Farsi, and Azeri Turkish ] languages, creative writing, literature , arts and culture plus + writing 4s garden collections +
To be reforming positively Retirement ( 70+) to Re+try+ment+
tying remembering the best for living, learning, working, socializing to become good centenarian with best 100 plus books, food, flowers, gifts, words, writings, sayings, works, helps, services, friendships and loves, plus to self, family, people 2030 UN 100th, nature, spirituality and heavenly heaven. So help me God

Creative Writing, Science Fiction and Promotional Stories plus
Four seasons Gardens Story
Welcome, Lady’s and Gentlemen to World Expo 2050 with some of the best people, products, and services of this year and the last 100 years.
I’m John Ditak your librarian guide for Expo and this is my assistant Bill and our office manager Linda, and also our Robot Comycom50.
We are really proud to be your guide, helper, and server to answer your questions and help you to find what your interested and looking to get from the 2050 world fair.
Today we came to ebooks Showcase inside of 2050 Books exhibition and now we are sitting and witting to hear and see the story of some winner of best ebooks readers of the year and ebooks history.
[ information, show and exhibition plus ]
To day we came to 4 Seasons Gardens plus info shows at case inside their exhibition and now we are sitting and witting to hear and see the story of some winners of best ebooks reader of 2050 plus history of ebooks.
Best 100 + related eBooks, books, foods, gifts, information, products ans services of , 4s gardens Stories Collection for
year 2020, 2030,to 2045, 2050, UN 100 anniversary.
Questions. Q.
Answers. A.
Q. What is eBook ?
A. ebook are electronics? forms of book. ebooks are written in the computer and be read in in the computers or some forms of computer or electronics devices.
Q. what is the benefits of reading books in ebooks format.
Q. What are the benefits of writing books in ebooks format ?
The ebooks show
To day we came to ebooks Show case inside of Books exhibition. Before we go around and visit different part lets go and site in the first ,,, to hear and see the ebooks history witch just starting now.
Bill help every one to site and speaker starts.
Thanks every one for coming.
We now
Best ebooks reading contestants of year 2030 was in San Francisco Ca. USA. From years before preparation was started. After last year contest finish in Oct 15 million os of ebooks readers are registered until Dec 31.
Best ebooks readers of 2050 started from jan15. This year more then 100 million people registered so the first qualification was mostly with computer. The computerized best ebooks reading programs 100+ different questions, test, . These was from choosing the ebooks to ordering and downloading, saving, speed reading, high lighting and saving , adding to their own dictionary, memorizing, and remembering, comprehension, writing review, sending notes to friends, interest and social groups or book clubs, and finally what was their comprehension of the ebook and 10 best thing they find for them self or others plus how to privatize and put them in their own schedules, plans and goals to do them with maximum success. Computer for their 100 best chose give them 1to100%+ point and then divided to 100 base their score chose to 10 million .
Welcome Ladies and Gentleman to Books and ebooks show and exhibition of to year 2020 in San Francisco, Ca.
My name is John bookman your guide for this show……..
One of the fist this i like to talk about is Uil robot, aldo all of you know about it, but for are readers, visitors , TV audience,
Ladies and gentleman in are first kiosk showing documentary movie from very natural area of the world. People who live in this village far from modern world and intellectual ages. The study down with one of university

4 Seasons Gardens Atlantis Islands 4 Seasons Gardens Story
Welcome, Lady’s and Gentlemen, to visit Global four seasons gardens islands in the middle of North Atlantic Ocean.
There are many dream islands, 100’s of a kilometer long and wide.
Spring gardens are in the east side, summer gardens in sought,
Fall gardens are in the west and winter gardens on the north side.
Our tour is to visit, look, shop, meet, ask and try the best 100 related show, exhibition, market, meeting professional and exports, new ideas, information, products, and services for 4s gardening.
We are prude to answer your questions. I’m John Detak, your librarian tour guide in this visit, and this is my assistants Bill and our office manager, Linda, and also our Robot Comycom2030.
We hope Your goals are to find the best 100 questions and answers about 4s gardening
As you see in your best 100 schedules list before going to gardens, we have an information reformation desk to harmonize and connect everyone’s smartphone with ur central computer.
These are for communication to be better understand and to be understood to realize and be realized best 100 goals, words, numbers, signs, symbols, massages plus for 4s gardening.
now for understanding, getting familiar, we start with q/a if you agree you can say yes or no even with percentage -%+ to the agreement,
[ To be agree, or not be agree, that is the question? ]with written agreements?
[storage: help you to enjoy and find your best 100 plus on this visit.
+ ++gamrchk +

Today we continue with our tour to
www. smart ebooks reading .info.
Yes we going to smart city, smart ebooks exhibition, reading globe library, information library and much moor best….plus+ global reading
smart city, smart building, smart tools,
smart gadgets, smart readers.
The ebooks show
Today we came to the ebooks Showcase inside of Books exhibition. Before we go around and visit different part lets go and site in the first,,, to hear and see the ebooks history witch just starting now.
Bill helps everyone to site, and the speaker starts.
Thanks to everyone for coming. we are stating with
Smart Rosy for Rosalind story
smart rosy is in smartphone and other smart devices and reality in nature is a symbol of smart 4s garden rose or spring rose, summer rose, fall and winter rose or roses for all seasons. Smart rosy’s are in many verities and multi-purpose and each bush produce 100 plus roses year around.
they have the most beautiful pleasant looks to see with many colors, loveliest and finest fragrant to smell, edible with dishes tastes to eat to put in drinks or make tea, softest pleasant touch, easy to dehydrate and keep them for decoration, durable after the cut for weeks and more in the water.

We now
at Best ebooks reading contestants? Of the year 2030 was in San Francisco, Ca. The USA. From years before, preparation was started. After last year’s contest finish on Oct 15 million os of ebooks, readers are registered until Dec 31.
Best ebooks readers of 2050 started from jan15. This year more than 100 million people registered, so the first qualification was mostly with the computer. The computerized best ebooks are reading programs 100+ different questions, test. These were from choosing the ebooks to ordering and downloading, saving, speed reading, high lighting and saving, adding to their own dictionary, memorizing, and remembering, comprehension, writing a review, sending notes to friends, interest and social groups or book clubs, and finally what was their comprehension of the ebook and 10 best things they find for themself or others plus how to privatize and put them in their schedules, plans, and goals to do them with maximum success. A computer for their 100 best chose to give them +1to100%+ points and then divided to 100 base their score chose to 10 million.
Welcome Ladies and Gentleman to Books and ebooks show and exhibition of to the year 2030 in San Francisco, Ca.
My name is John bookman, your guide for this show……..
One of the fist this I like to talk about is Uil robot, aldo all of you know about it, but for are readers, visitors, TV audience,
Ladies and gentlemen in are the first kiosks showing a documentary movie from a very natural area of the world. People who live in this village far from the modern world and intellectual ages. The study down with one of university
Shakespeare first folio book 400th year publishing anniversary at 23 th of April 2023 : As you like it ? !
for UN 2030 and 2045 UN 100 Th anniversary nominate for
First Folio for first book nomination
learning languages first are from parent and family, second teachers and schools, and third are holy people books pray and spirituality,
the forth ways of learning languages are arts, most of arts form specially verbal arts, or arts and words and sounds, writing, story, poems, songs, …..
Story or storage of words [ +1+2+3+4+ +++10+20+30+100+400+t 1000+million + ]
most human globally 1+2+3+4+ languages
1+ official school, hi, UN, media, gov, pple,
2+ university ,
3+ family or home or mother
4+ any
so if some one born and grow up with one or 2 national and global language, education systems and 2 or more can be chosen any languages usually some relation
smart dishes best 100+ benefits
smart dishes are more and better and best,
1. one of the newest up to date
2+ saving foods cooked or raw, vegetrain or any kinds, frouts , vegies, nuts, seeds, herb,
3+ save foods, many othere things
4+ saves time
5+saves money

1+ Smart ebooks reading city
2+ Smart Rosy and Rosalind
3+ Smart Greens Gardens
4+ Spring, Water, Roses and Flowers Gardens Show case inside of Books exhibition 1
1+ 2020, 21222324, 21002200230024002030 , 2040, 2044, 2045, and 2050, 2075, 2100, 2120, 2130, 3000, 4000, 10/000, 100/000 year
and now we are sitting and witting to hear and see the story of some winner of best ebooks readers of the spring 2020.
[ Tour guide for visitors to www.4 Seasons Gardening plus .info ] +
[ The best yet to come, really the best, best after best, to best 100 plus and best of all and best of everything. so what is the next best ? ]
[ To be continue ….
The next best coming soon.…from www. smart ebooks reading .info ]
To be continue ….
The next best info coming soon…from
Global 4seasons gardens .info/ Atlantic 4s gardens islands,
1+4s Garden Islands+
2+ Spring Gardens Islands
3+ summer Gardens
4+ fall gardens
5+ winter gardens island
6+ Water best 100+
7+ Energy sunshine fire
8+ Air weather
9+ Earth, derts soles
10+all mix ngbbest10+
11+ 100+100 flor bui lding
12+ sizes
13+ deleting
14+ measuring
15+ entertainments,
16+ centenarian
17+ all shows
18+ 4s shows
19+ full moon shows
20+ arts
21+ Smart ebooks reading city designs
22+ smiling and laughing
23+ smart shakespear
24+ rosy
25+ flowers
26+ pears
27+ blenders,
28+ shakespear smoothies
29+ sh first folio
30+ as you like it
31+ raw food vgy, alfod
32+ sprouts
33+ smart dishes
40+ people
41+ gardener
42+ worker
43+ info
44+ heath care
+100 about 1234100 math numbers 10/100+ +101 friend

Global 4seasons gardens .info/ Atlantic 4s gardens islands,
1+4s Garden Islands+ 2+ Spring Gardens Islands 3+ summer Gardens 4+ fall gardens 5+ winter gardens island 6+ Smart ebooks reading city 7+ Water Garden
Energy sunshine fire 8+ Air weather 9+ Earth, derts soles 10+ all mix 11+ 100+100 flor bui lding 12+ sizes 13+ deleting 14+ measuring 15+ 16+ centenarian 17+ all shows 18+ 4s shows 19+ full moon shows 20+ arts 21+ designs 22+ smiling and laughing 23+ smart shakespear +24+ rosy 25+ flowers 26+ pears 27+ blenders, 28+ shakespear smoothies 29+ sh first folio 30+ as you like it 31+ raw food vgy, alfod 32= sprouts 33+ smart dishes 34+ 40+ people 41+ gardener 42+ worker 43+ info 44+ heath care 45+ 4xt
+100 about 1234100 math numbers 10/100+ +101 friend
[ Tour guide for visitors to www.4 Seasons Gardening plus .info ] +
[ The best yet to come, really the best, best after best, to best 100 plus and best of all and best of everything. so what is the next best ?]
[ To be continue ….
The next best coming soon.…from www. smart ebooks reading .info ]
[ Tour guide for visitors to www.4 Seasons Gardening plus .info ] +
[ The best yet to come, really the best, best after best, to best 100 plus and best of all and best of everything. so what is the next best ? ]
[ To be continue ….
The next best coming soon.…from www. smart ebooks reading .info ]
only one unique, best 100 plus informative, educational, entertainment, unique and unifying,
promotional, advanced and futuristic, natural and environmental friendly, highly interesting and inspiring, visionary and mystical, inventive, self help and self realization, increasingly profitable and increase income and profits, legal and moral goods, ,
Shakespeare global friends 4 billion people plus more to 6 or 7
Shakespeare Rosalind friends globally as you like it!
Smart Shakespear and Smart Rosy globally as you like it! smoothies
Best eBooks Readers of 2050, Stories Collection
and year
20,to 2045 UN 100 anniversary.
Questions. Q.
Answers. A.
oghm, yim, ahs, mrrd, bbgn, ndwwwppp10gbbest1pp100++400++++
yim,mrrd, ray story, creative writing and English lang stud
I’ writing, creating, designing, developing, updating, new release, new vesion, 365… 4s garden//up-grading,
Atlantic 4s garden islands,
audence or praticpian or are
few centurain and busnesly active 4sgers
few smartphone users
few family and kides
few u, student
few professional
few repoters++++++
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Atlantic Ocean – Wikipedia
The Atlantic Ocean is the second largest of the world’s oceans, with an area of about 106,460,000 square kilometers (41,100,000 square miles).[2][3] It covers approximately 20 percent of Earth’s surface and about 29 percent of its water surface area. It separates the “Old World” from the “New World“.
The Atlantic Ocean occupies an elongated, S-shaped basin extending longitudinally between Europe and Africa to the east, and the Americas to the west. As one component of the interconnected World Ocean, it is connected in the north to the Arctic Ocean, to the Pacific Ocean in the southwest, the Indian Ocean in the southeast, and the Southern Ocean in the south (other definitions describe the Atlantic as extending southward to Antarctica). The Equatorial Counter Current subdivides it into the North(ern) Atlantic Ocean and the South(ern) Atlantic Ocean at about 8°N.[6]
Scientific explorations of the Atlantic include the Challenger expedition, the German Meteor expedition, Columbia University‘s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory and the United States Navy Hydrographic Office

A map showing the supposed extent of the Atlantean Empire, from Ignatius L. Donnelly‘s Atlantis: the Antediluvian World, 1882 [49]

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Athanasius Kircher‘s map of Atlantis, placing of the Atlantic Ocean, from Mundus Subterraneus 1669, published in Amsterdam. The map is oriented with south at the top.
Atlantis (Ancient Greek: Ἀτλαντὶς νῆσος, “island of Atlas“) is a fictional island mentioned within an allegory on the hubris of nations in Plato‘s works Timaeus and Critias, where it represents the antagonist naval power that besieges “Ancient Athens”, the pseudo-historic embodiment of Plato’s ideal state in The Republic. In the story, Athens repels the Atlantean attack unlike any other nation of the known world supposedly giving testament to the superiority of Plato’s concept of a state. The story concludes with Atlantis falling out of favor with the deities and submerging into the Atlantic Ocean.
Despite its minor importance in Plato’s work, the Atlantis story has had a considerable impact on literature. The allegorical aspect of Atlantis was taken up in utopian works of several Renaissance writers, such as Francis Bacon‘s New Atlantis and Thomas More‘s Utopia.[5][6] On the other hand, nineteenth-century amateur scholars misinterpreted Plato’s narrative as historical tradition, most famously in Ignatius L. Donnelly‘s Atlantis: The Antediluvian World. Plato’s vague indications of the time of the events—more than 9,000 years before his time —and the alleged location of Atlantis—”beyond the Pillars of Hercules“—has led to much pseudoscientific speculation. As a consequence, Atlantis has become a byword for any and all supposed advanced prehistoric lost civilizations and continues to inspire contemporary fiction, from comic books to films.
While present-day philologists and classicists agree on the story’s fictional character, there is still debate on what served as its inspiration. As for instance with the story of Gyges, Plato is known to have freely borrowed some of his allegories and metaphors from older traditions. This led a number of scholars to investigate possible inspiration of Atlantis from Egyptian records of the Thera eruption, the Sea Peoples invasion, or the Trojan War. Others have rejected this chain of tradition as implausible and insist that Plato created an entirely fictional nation as his example, drawing loose inspiration from contemporary events such as the failed Athenian invasion of Sicily in 415–413 BC or the destruction of Helike in 373 BC.

A fifteenth-century Latin translation of Plato’s TimaeusMain article: Timaeus (dialogue)
The only primary sources for Atlantis are Plato’s dialogues Timaeus and Critias; all other mentions of the island are based on them. The dialogues claim to quote Solon, who visited Egypt between 590 and 580 BC; they state that he translated Egyptian records of Atlantis. Written in 360 BC, Plato introduced Atlantis in Timaeus:
For it is related in our records how once upon a time your State stayed the course of a mighty host, which, starting from a distant point in the Atlantic ocean, was insolently advancing to attack the whole of Europe, and Asia to boot. For the ocean there was at that time navigable; for in front of the mouth which you Greeks call, as you say, ‘the pillars of Heracles,’ there lay an island which was larger than Libya and Asia together; and it was possible for the travelers of that time to cross from it to the other islands, and from the islands to the whole of the continent over against them which encompasses that veritable ocean. For all that we have here, lying within the mouth of which we speak, is evidently a haven having a narrow entrance; but that yonder is a real ocean, and the land surrounding it may most rightly be called, in the fullest and truest sense, a continent. Now in this island of Atlantis there existed a confederation of kings, of great and marvelous power, which held sway over all the island, and over many other islands also and parts of the continent.
The four people appearing in those two dialogues are the politicians Critias and Hermocrates as well as the philosophers Socrates and Timaeus of Locri, although only Critias speaks of Atlantis. In his works Plato makes extensive use of the Socratic method in order to discuss contrary positions within the context of a supposition.
The Timaeus begins with an introduction, followed by an account of the creations and structure of the universe and ancient civilizations. In the introduction, Socrates muses about the perfect society, described in Plato’s Republic (c. 380 BC), and wonders if he and his guests might recollect a story which exemplifies such a society. Critias mentions a tale he considered to be historical, that would make the perfect example, and he then follows by describing Atlantis as is recorded in the Critias. In his account, ancient Athens seems to represent the “perfect society” and Atlantis its opponent, representing the very antithesis of the “perfect” traits described in the Republic.
Atlantic Ocean, in middle of north Atlantic Ocean
Atlantic, Four Seasons Garden, Islands
4s garden islands in Atlantic ocean like
Hawaii islands in Pacific ocean
Is one of the best place and location to write science fiction story.
Santa Cruz Das Flores islands


Panorama of the Marina Pêro de Teive, a yachting centre and tourist area near the port of Ponta Delgada (the Marine Atlantic Hotel in the background)
Ponta Delgada and

![The United States of Atlantis by [Turtledove, Harry]](
The United States of Atlantis Mass Market Paperback – Dec 1 2009by Harry Turtledove (Author)Kindle$7.99paper back $14.99As England tightens its control over the Atlantean colonies, Victor Radcliff and his band of revolutionaries resolve to make the English pay for each and every piece of land they dare to occupy. They will stop at nothing to preserve the liberty of their people as a new nation is born–a nation that will change the face of the world!
AtlanticUnited States of Atlantis


Athanasius Kircher‘s map of Atlantis, placing it in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, from Mundus Subterraneus 1669, published in Amsterdam. The map is oriented with south at the top.
Finding Atlantis – Full Science Documentary
Naked Science – Atlantis
Aquaman (film )
Aquaman – Official Trailer
Aquaman – Official Trailer
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Aquaman | |
Theatrical release poster | |
Directed by | James Wan |
Produced by | Peter SafranRob Cowan |
Screenplay by | David Leslie Johnson-McGoldrickWill Beall |
Story by | Geoff JohnsJames WanWill Beall |
Based on | Characters byMalcolm Wheeler-Nicholson |
Starring | Jason MomoaAmber HeardWillem DafoePatrick WilsonDolph LundgrenYahya Abdul-Mateen IINicole Kidman |
Music by | Rupert Gregson-Williams |
Cinematography | Don Burgess |
Edited by | Kirk Morri |
Production company | Warner Bros. PicturesDC FilmsThe Safran Company |
Distributed by | Warner Bros. Pictures |
Release date | November 26, 2018 (Empire, Leicester Square)December 21, 2018 (United States) |
Running time | 143 minutes |
Country | United States |
Language | English |
Budget | $160–200 million |
Box office | $1.148 billion |
Aquaman is a 2018 American superhero film based on the DC Comics character of the same name. Distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures, it is the sixth film in the DC Extended Universe (DCEU). The film was directed by James Wan, from a screenplay by David Leslie Johnson-McGoldrick and Will Beall and stars Jason Momoa as Aquaman, with Amber Heard, Willem Dafoe, Patrick Wilson, Dolph Lundgren, Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, and Nicole Kidman in supporting roles. In the film, Aquaman sets out to lead the underwater kingdom of Atlantis, replacing his half-brother, King Orm, who seeks to unite the seven underwater kingdoms against the surface world.
Aquaman – Official Trailer
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