
1+ Here at the www.4seasonsgardensplus.com are some of the best motivational, promotional,
2+ Disclaimer of liability The information, books, ebooks, Pictures, Videos, products, services,
3+ The SmarteBooksReading.info Website, Short, Long, and Dream Goals
4+ the 4 Promotion, Creative Writing, Website Development, and Guide for:
5+ eBooks Story Atlantis Islands’ Four Seasons Gardens Story is a promotional, science fiction story.
6+ From the time of the Big Bang, around 14 billion years ago, the hottest and coldest 
7+ Four Seasons Gardening Story and History 
8+ Information Story and History of Smart eBooks Reading 
9+ Learning Languages The Best 100 Reasons, Benefits, of Learning Languages \
10+ The 100 SMART Best Memorization Techniques, Information,
11+ Languages
12+ English language
13+ Shakespeare
14+ Fist Folio, as you like it
15+ 4 seasons gardens tops
16+ about some


The SmarteBooksReading.info Website, Short, Long, and Dream Goals

Promotion, Creative Writing, Website Development, and Guide for:
1+ The 100 Best Smart eBooks Reading information, techniques, courses, schools, books, tapes, videos, games, apps, products, and services, plus lots of promotional content that is free for all visitors
(especially students, members, and fans of Four Seasons Gardens Story). 
2+ The Best speed-reading and comprehension for the global English language (go from 100 words per minute up to 1,234 words per minute). 
3+ The Best memorization techniques (go from memorizing 1 to 100 words up to 10,000 words or ideally 100,000 words). 
4+ The Best listening, speaking, reading, and writing exercises for the global English language (or any national languages with official education systems).


The SmarteBooksReading.info Website, Short, Long, and Dream Goals

Promotion, Creative Writing, Website Development, and Guide for:
The 100 Best Smart eBooks Reading information, techniques, courses, schools, books, tapes, videos, games, apps, products, and services, plus lots of promotional content that is free for all visitors
(especially students, members, and fans of Four Seasons Gardening). 

Using Smart eBooks’ reading and speed-reading techniques, help to increase reading skills, memorization, comprehension, and use of words four-fold or 1+2+3+4 times. Also, it helps to increase reading speed from 100 words per minute, The average reading speed is between 200 and 300 words per minute. all the way up to 1,000 words per minute

These are some of the Best 100 Smart eBooks Reading information chosen ones:
1) The Smartphone is chosen as the best tool, most useful, well-known, valuable, and globally available tool. 
2) The As You Like It is chosen as the best eBook, for smart reading, speed-reading, learning, and memorizing of 10,000 the most used words in global English languages. It is the adaptation of the world’s most-read Shakespeare book, the First Folio his comedic play As You Like It. 
3) The Rosalind is chosen as the best character for the story, from Shakespeare’s comedic play As You Like It. 
4) The Red Rose is chosen as the best flower, as the most natural, well-known, valuable, and globally four seasons available flower. Additional topics covered include roses, flowers, greens, vegetables, the Four Seasons Gardens Story, the four elements, and food. 
1+ The Smartphone is chosen as the best tool, 2+ The As You Like It is chosen as the best eBook, 3+ The Rosalind is chosen as the best character for the story, 4+ The Red Rose is chosen as the best flower


Atlantis Islands’ Four Seasons Gardens Story is a promotional, science fiction story. 

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the Global Four Seasons Gardens Islands in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean. 
There are many dream islands here that are hundreds of kilometers long and hundreds of kilometers wide. 
Spring gardens are on the eastern side, summer gardens are in the south, fall gardens are in the west, and winter gardens are on the northern side. 

Our tour allows you to visit, shop, meet, ask, and try the 100 best shows, exhibitions, markets, meeting places, professional experts, new ideas, information, products, and services for Four Seasons Gardening.? 

We are happy to answer your questions. I’m John Detak, your librarian and exhibition tour guide for this visit. And this is my assistant, Bill, our office manager, Linda, as well as our Robot, Comycom2030. 

If your goal is to find the 100 best questions and answers about Four Seasons Gardening,? you’ve come to the right place. 

In addition to our list of the 100 best schedules to follow before going to the gardens, we have an information desk that allows us to harmonize and connect everyone’s smartphone with our central computer. 

This information desk provides a better understanding of Four Seasons Gardening, as well as the goals, words, numbers, signs, symbols, and messages behind the story. 

Now, to get more familiar, we will start with a question-and-answer session. ? You can simply answer by yes or no to each question, or can show your level of agreement with a specific percentage between 1% and 100%. 

++++++++++++++ Story continues with +++++++++++++ 

Today, we continue with our tour by visiting www.SmarteBooksReading.info. 

Yes, we are going to smart city’s Smart eBooks exhibition, reading globe library, information library, and many more spots, where we will explore best100plus+global reading, smart buildings, smart tools, and smart gadgets, as well as meet some smart readers. 


The eBooks Show 

For this show and exhibition, there are 17 curious visitors: a family of four, a few seniors, two reporters, and several others. Every visitor is interested in nature, gardening, books, and reading, plus some are friends of the library. 

Today, we came to the eBooks Showcase at the Books Exhibition. Before we visit different sections, let’s take a seat to hear and see the eBooks history, which is starting now. 

Bill helps everyone to their seats and the speaker begins. 

“Thanks to everyone for coming. We are starting with…” 


To be continued… 

Page Break 



Globally, around 4 billion people (including their families) live and work as farmers or gardeners and help grow food for everyone. In addition, there are roughly 4 billion people living in or around cities. Around 2 billion people (or 50%) from each group will hopefully become interested in 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 Seasons Gardening’s project. 

For to know, to join, to learn, and do more season gardening plus to be interested in environmental care (water care, energy care, air care, and soil care). and in 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 seasons gardening projects for more food production for around 7.8 billion humans.

These are some of the 100 best Four Seasons Gardening goals for the world’s 4 billion Four Seasons Gardeners. 

To know and learn the 4 Seasons Gardening process requires lots of reading and learning, which means finding the right resources in our current information age. 

To make this process as fast and easy as possible, www.4seasonsgardensplus.com has found and collected the best 100 smart eBooks reading, learning information, products, and services at: www.smartebooksreading.info 

The SmarteBooksReading.info Website, Short, Long, and Dream Goals going to be added here.

1+ The Smartphone has been chosen as the best tool 

2+ As You Like It has been chosen as the best eBook 

3+ Rosalind has been chosen as the best story character 

4+ The Red Rose has been chosen as the best flower 

For the science fiction story, the scientific (real world) goals are to find and collect the 100 best memorization and remembering techniques or systems in global history. 

Everyone can update, find, and choose one, or a few, of these techniques that work best for them to achieve lifelong memorization and remember things for over 100 years. These techniques may help to boost memorization abilities from a few percent to a few hundred percent point improvement. 

Also, ideally in fictional stories, try to look, find, discover, invent, create, invest, and set goals to make and find techniques, systems, and methods that increase the permanence of memories. To increase the ability to memorize information from 1 word to 10, to 100, to 1,000, to 10,000, to over 100,000 like writing on paper or digitally forever. This process will continue with total recall pills, digital memory implants, and the ability to connect the brain to the internet, which is undoubtedly coming to the market in the next few decades or centuries. These future technologies will help humans to have permanent, abundant, and multifunctional memory. 

Most humans (90%-99%) were illiterate until around 1700. At that time, people were living 20 to 40 years of their lives in nature or on a farm. The first 20 years of their lives were spent as kids/teens, then the next 20 years were spent as adults, in which they worked, got married, had kids, prayed, and went to heaven. Back then, life was so short and people did not have time for planning, setting goals, and lifelong learning. 

Now, in the 21st century, people can live to 80, 100, or 120 years (possibly even 150 years or more). From an early age (from 20 to 50 years old), most people hopefully, can say in my next 100 years, or for my next 100 years and think about, set goals for, plan for, and schedule their next 100 years of life and try to live as best as they possibly can. 

Also, the 20th-century generation is made up of around 2000 million or 2 billion seniors happily living at age of 60, 70, 80, and 100 years old (they say 75 is new 50). The 21st-century generation by around the year 2100 going to find themself living with 2000 million or 2 billion centenarians hopeful to make their second 100s of life, from 100 to 200 years living better and longer.  

Learning and using language is necessary for thinking internally and talking to oneself, as well as for speaking externally with some of the eight-billion-person global population. We use languages throughout every second, minute, hour, and day of our lives. 

Until around the year 1800, each individual would usually meet with a few people a day and use a few hunderds words to communicate and say goodbye. 

Today, in 2021, everybody uses language hundreds of times better and more than in the past. All people use language to find information to read or listen to from hundreds of billions of sources, as well as for talking, giving speeches, engaging in phone conversations, sending emails, texting, creating social networks, video conferencing, writing notes, setting goals, making plans, scheduling, learning, going to school, teaching, having business conversations, buying, selling, meeting lots of people every day, etc. The list of daily and weekly reading and other forms of use of language is far longer. 

It is already started and grown very fast, as human communication with machines like computers, supercomputers, and robots. While it takes humans around 10 years to learn a single language, computers can learn to speak, write, and use all languages at all levels in just 10 seconds, also humans usually make mistakes and computers never make the mistake, and humans must remain the best and the winner of conversation with machines. These will be the greatest challenge and stories of the future.

So, to facilitate to make it easier and clear for everyone, especially for the reading and books lovers plus Global Four Seasons Gardening students and users, here are some solutions: 

Promotion, Creative Writing, Website Development, and Guide for: 

The 100 Best Smart eBooks for reading information, techniques, courses, schools, books, tapes, videos, games, apps, products, and services, plus lots of promotional content that is free for all visitors (especially students, members, and fans of Four Seasons Gardening). 

1+ The Smartphone has been chosen as the best tool 

2+ As You Like It has been chosen as the best eBook 

3+ Rosalind has been chosen as the best story character 

4+ The Red Rose has been chosen as the best flower 


According to BBC and many other educational sources, the following word counts represent the levels of language skills: 

1+ 1 Word, 2 Words, 3 Words, 4 Words 

2+ 4 Words = Phrases or short sentences 

3+ 10 Words = Sentences: Most people know 10 to 100+ English words plus their first language 

4+ 100 Words = Paragraph: Most people know 10 to 100+ English words plus their first language 

5+ 400 Words = 2 short pages or 1 long page: Ability for starting basic, everyday conversationsintroductions, and travel 

6+ 1,000 Words = 1 very long page or 4 to ten short pages: 80% of the most frequently used words in a given language 

7+ 1,500 Words = Globish is one the best English courses and claims that are good enough for global language users 

8+ 2,020 Words = New idea recommended to UNESCO to make a Universal Language for everyone each year 

9+ 4,000 Words = New idea for Global Four Seasons Gardeners for Living, Learning, Working, and Socializing globally 

10+ 10,000 Words = A near-native level of vocabulary, to talk about any topic and recognize enough words in every conversation to understand be understood 

11+ 11,000 Words 

12+ 20,000 Words = 6th Grade Vocabulary 

13+ 30,000 Words 

14+ 40,000 Words = 12th Grade Vocabulary 

15+ 50,000 Words 

16+ 60,000 Words = Bachelor Level Vocabulary 

17+ 70,000 Words 

18+ 80,000 Words = Doctor or Ph.D. Level Vocabulary 

19+ 90,000 Words 

20+ 100,000 Words = Language Specialist or Language Genius (someone who is very smart or talented in the field of linguistics) 


Ladies and gentlemen welcome the Four Seasons Gardening tour. 

Okay first things first and one at a time, The Best 100 Reasons and benefits of learning languages: 

One of the major differences between animals and humans is the ability to use complex language.  
One of the greatest talents of humans is the ability to learn and use languages. 
One of the first creations of humanity and one of the most highly developed human inventions is language. 
One of the first skills that humans learn from childhood is language. 
One of the first functions of official education systems is learning languages. 
One of the first things that help humans learn to learn, memorize, remember, and use the full capacity of the brain’s functionality is language. 
One of the first official human positions or titles is a student for the study of languages. 
One of the first official recognitions, certificates, or licenses that humans receive is for learning languages.  
One of the first and most powerful forms of encouragement, motivation, rewards, praise, and compliments that humans receive throughout their entire lives are for listening, understanding, talking, reading, and writing in a specific language. 
One of the greatest talents of humanity is to understand and to be understood, as well as to be correct, respectful, happy, and joyful in communicating with other humans through the use of language. 
One of the first things that humans use to communicate, as babies, is language. one of the last things that humans use to communicate is the language found in a will. 
One of the highest signs of wisdom is language. Wisdom, as the greatest virtue of humanity, is highly related to one’s level and use of language. 
One skill that every human can learn is language, even children from the jungle can come to the city, go to university, get a Ph.D., and become a wise doctors (they may even receive a Ph.D. in language or literature). 
One of the first things that define us as humans (other than naturally living, eating, drinking, reproducing, and sleeping) is the fact that humans can be intellectual, wise, smart, thoughtful, visionary, logical, willful, and able to make choices, set goals, and achieve, all of which are possible thanks to language. 
One of the first things that make it possible for humans to know the time, as well as conceptualize the past, present, and future is languages. Without language, time becomes very limited, as it is for people living in the wild or in the jungle. 
One of the first things that make humans capable of spiritually receiving, giving, realizing, and manifesting love, care, help, services, compassion, forgiveness, blessings, and grace is language. 
One of the first and most important gifts of the Holy Spirit in all religions is the ability to learn and use language to help everyone read holy words, listen, talk, and pray to God in the highest high. 
One of the first skills needed for goal setting, prioritizing, and planning short-term and lifelong goals is language. 
One of the lifelong needs of humans is to learn and improve their language abilities, especially in the current information age, in which is information-based society utilizes information technology, such as computers. Languages are the key to asking questions and finding answers on these systems. 
One of the first skills for work or business to achieve higher income, profits, financial benefits, and fortunes is the use of languages. 
When people start to learn a new language, it is one of the greatest investments they can make towards a better living, learning, reading, writing, listening, talking, working, thinking, learning, teaching, buying, selling, socializing, and communicating in or with a new culture. 

By choosing global English, everyone will hopefully have opportunities to achieve a better form of global living, reading, writing, listening, talking, thinking, learning, teaching, buying, selling, working, traveling, visualizing, socializing, and communicating in all English-speaking countries plus the global community as a global culture. 


Learning Global English Languages Goals 

The 100 Best Reasons, Benefits, Pleasures, Privileges, and Advantages of Learning Global English by Listening, Reading, Watching, Playing, Writing, and Speaking in Global English Successfully.  

Use goals, plans, and schedules to learn the Global English Language successfully! 

To be Listen in Global English Successfully! 

To be speak in Global English Successfully! 

To be Read in Global English Successfully! 

To be Write in Global English Successfully! 

To be Listening in Global English Successfully! 

To be speaking in Global English Successfully! 

To be Reading in Global English Successfully! 

To be Writing in Global English Successfully! 
i, you, he, shy, they want to be
how i, you, he, shy, they want to be
how to be read, reading
I, you,…. want to be, do you want,

To be Listen in Global English Successfully! 

To be speak in Global English Successfully! 

To be Read in Global English Successfully! 

To be Write in Global English Successfully! 

i, you, he, shy, they want to be
is he..
do ,, want,
freedom to listen, speak, read, and write

I Want to be Listen in Global English Successfully! 

I Want to be speak in Global English Successfully! 

I Want to be Read in Global English Successfully! 

I Want to be Write in Global English Successfully! 
I Want to be Write in English Successfully!


Global English is the first language of advanced countries, such as: 

1+ Great Britain 

2+ United States of America 

3+ Canada 

4+ Australia 

5+ New Zealand 

6+ Ireland 

Global English is the native language of the people of Great Britain, the United States of America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Ireland. These are some of the most advanced countries in the world, where more than 400 million English speakers have been living, learning, working, and socializing for hundreds of years. The number one law of these countries’ constitutions is Freedom of Speech (or the freedom to successfully speak English or any other language). The statue of freedom is seen as the highest symbol within these nations. This freedom extends to individual, social, professional, financial, business, and market freedoms, which are protected by Constitutional laws and regulations, safety and security, the Human Rights Committee, and the United Nations. 

English speaking nations have ~5% of the world’s population, but more than 50% of the top global: 

1+ Education Systems, thanks to world-class universal educational systems 

2+ Writing, including books, newspapers, and magazine publication 

3+ Science. technologies, including computers, the Internet, robots, AI, supercomputers, and software 

4+ Creations, Inventions, Arts and culture

5+ Economies, fince, Businesses, Factories, Fashions, and Buildings 

6+ Roads and Transportation Systems from cars, ships, airplane and space travelling

7+ Sports and Athletes, Health and Health Information, Wellness and Longevity Information 

8+ Healthcare Systems, which are filled with doctors, health experts, health-minded individuals, hospitals, and medications 

9+ Nature and Natural Activities, including water and green lands 

10+ Multicultural Communities with people of many faiths speaking more than 100 to 1,000 different languages. 

All the above achievements and more were made possible using the English Language as a tool for achieving unity, better living, and the highest prosperity. 


Future of Global English Languages 

The English Language is one of the 15,000 languages created throughout human history and one of the 7,000 languages remaining in the present time. English is a lucky survivor, as less than 20% of words come from English, while more than 80% of words come from all other languages. This is one of the biggest reasons to use the term Global English Language, as the language uses words that are mostly from other languages. 

From 2020 to 2045, the population of native English speakers will grow to 400 to 500 million people. 

Currently, for every, one native English speaker, there are four or five Global English speakers, which will increase to six, seven, eight, nine, ten, and more as time passes. While there are currently 400 million native speakers in 2020 and around 400 million university-educated people living and working globally, this number will eventually increase to over one billion highly educated people with a very good level of understanding, listening, speaking, reading, writing, working, and comprehension of the English language. Those 400 million native English speakers will increase to one billion to 1.5 billion to (around 2 to 2.5) and, by 2030, to three billion and, by 2045, (on the 100th anniversary of the UN) and to four billion (or a majority of the world’s people) and to five or six billion people the maximum as the highest possibility (from total eight or nine or ten billion population) people living around the world in the year 2045. 

Also, in the majority of future forecasts, between the years 2045 and 2100, there is more than a 90% possibility that the English language will be the top language in the world, spoken by most people globally. 


The Global English Language 

The most widely-spoken (and likely fastest-spreading) world language today is English, with over two billion native and second-language users worldwide. 

Global English Language. 

Global Second Language. 

Global United Nations Language. 

Global UNESCO Language: The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization is a specialized agency of the United Nations aimed at promoting world peace and security through international cooperation in education, the sciences, and cultureWikipedia 

Global English is the Global Science Language. 

Global English Language is the Most Successful Language.  

Global English is a Global Educational and Lifelong Learning Language. 

Global English is a Global Cultural Language. 

Global English is the Best Global Finance and Economy Language. 

Global English is the Best Global Art and Entertainment Language. 

Global English is the Best Global Computer, Internet, Robots, AIs, and Software Language. 

Global English is a Global Travel and Hospitality Language. 

Global English is a Global Book, Newspaper, and Magazine Publication Language. 

English is a Global Radio and TV Language. 

English is a Global Movie and Theater Language. 

English is a Global Health and Wellness Language. 

English is a Global Healthcare, Health Professional, and Medication Language. 
English is Global Safty, Security, Army, police and Legal Language.


➕ From Shakespeares Globe.com to Shakespeare Global English.org to Shakespeare: As You Like It.info ➕ 

To be, or not to be? That is the question. 

All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players! They have their entrances and remain Shakespeare Fans Forever! 

➕ All the world’s a stage. Enter to win and become one of 4 billion players. ➕ 

The 400th Anniversary of First Folio’s Publication is on 23 April 2023 also on United Nations, Global Books, Copyright, and Shakespeare Day! 

Or for UN 2030 Human Developments with 17Goals 

Or for the UN 100th Anniversary in the year 2045 with the Best of Human Rights Development and 100 Best Goals 

www.Shakespeare Book: First Folio.info 

The 100 Best Shakespeare Works: First Folio, As You Like It! Global English Books, Plays, Sonnets, Poems, Stories, Histories, Comedies, Movies, Live Theater Shows, Tickets, Products, Services, Libraries, Flower and Rose Gardens, Actors, Actresses, Scholars, Experts, Teachers, Entertainment, Motivations, Educational Information, plus lots of Promotional Contents Free for all Visitors. Enjoy and Have Fun! 

All of Shakespeare’s works will be available in a new series: As You Like It!  

A new series of Shakespeare’s works (including books, sonnets, poems, and more) will be available to everyone globally in First Folio

As a startup company and organization with a few websites in general with a focus on the new series: First Folio: As You Like It! This comedic play and story have an uplifting mood. It is a love story that features many marriages and a happy ending. Also, most of the story locations are in nature, such as the forest, which is ideal for Four Seasons Gardening, and environment care information and promotion. The project is being redesigned and rewritten as a website and book with 10,000 of the most frequently used English words globally for listening, speaking, reading, and writing successfully. As You Like It! ➕  

For promoting the goals of: https://smartebooksreading.info  

1+ Reading Smart eBooks 

2+ Speed Reading 

3+ Memorization 

4+ Global English Language for Four Seasons Gardeners 

Taking inspiration from the Encyclopedia Britannia Collection and their 100 Greatest Books of the Western World, plus the Speed-Reading package. The PGN Goals are similar but are much smaller. They include: collecting Four Seasons Gardening, including the Four Elements Encyclopedias, and promoting one of the Great Books of the Western World Shakespeare’s Book: First Folio, As You Like It! plus the Smart eBooks Reading Techniques Package and related information, stories, shows, exhibitions, events, products, and services. 

Our mission is to facilitate finding, learning, and using languages by making the process easier and clearer for everyone, especially book lovers and Four Seasons Gardeners. 

To facilitate to make easier and clear for everyone, especially for the reading and book lovers and 4 seasons gardeners for finding, learning, and using of languages better and faster: 


Shakespeare’s book First Folio has been nominated as the #1 Best and First Book in Human History and Culture as well as for:  
(UN 2030 Human Developments with 17Goals and UN 100th Anniversary in the year 2045 with the Best of Human Right Development and 100 Best Goals 

#1 Best and First Book (To be, or not to be? That is the question.) 
Rare Copy of Shakespeare’s First Folio Sells for Record $10M (Updated 14th October 2020) 

The First Folio book has abundant intellectual value and is financially worth an incredible amount. Each book is individually priced at more than $10,000,000. Collectively, all works contained in this book are worth over $10,000,000,000,000 (10 trillion dollars) collectively based on the cost, price, and market value of these works in the memories of people, publishing houses, bookstores, newspapers, magazines, public and private libraries, museums, schools, universities, encyclopedias, organizations, companies, offices, homes, movie studios, theaters, radios, TVs, hands, pockets, computers, the internet, social media, smartphones, apps, CDs, DVDs, tapes, audio and video, movies, advertising, and marketing. 
So, to facilitate simple and clear learning and use of language for everyone, especially Four Seasons Gardeners, here are some solutions: 

(Other than Holy Books, religious, spiritual, educational, reference, or specialty books,) Shakespeare’s book has been chosen as one of the best sources to promote, motivate, entertain, and facilitate simple and clear learning and use of language for everyone, especially Four Seasons Gardeners, here are some solutions: 

Shakespeare’s book First Folio is the #1 First and Best Book in the fields of the Arts, Culture, Literature, Plays, Comedies, and Story Books in English and some other languages. 

1+ For anyone who knows this great book, this serves as a reminder and approval of its place in history. 

2+ For anyone who knows a little about this great book, this is an opportunity to learn more. 

3+ For anyone who is just learning about the first time or kids, this is information to find out, know about, and use the benefits of this great book in their life to learn, work, and socialize with people around the world, this is an introduction to the #1 First and Best Book in the field of the Arts, Culture, Literature, Plays, Comedies, and Story Books in English and some other languages. 

Please show your agreement or disagreement with a percentage -%+ ? 
Shakespeare’s book First Folio is the #1 Best and First Book in the History of English Literature 
Shakespeare’s book First Folio is the #1 Best and First Book in the History of Global Literature 
Would you nominate any other book for the #1 Best and First Book in Human History and for 
UN 2030 Human Developments with 17Goals and UN 100th Anniversary in the year 2045 and Best 100 Goals  
as the #1 First and Best Book in the fields of the Arts, Culture, Literature, Plays, Comedies, and Story Books in English and some other languages. 
1+ Name of the title and writer of the Top Best and First Book in Human History 
2+ Name of the title and writer of the Top 10 Best and First Books in Human History 
3+ Name of the title and writer of the Top 100 Best and First Books in Human History 
4+ Name of the title and writer of the One of the Best Books that Everyone Needs to Read 

Shakespeare’s book First Folio contains most of his works in a single book with around 1,000 pages with 36 individual plays and stories. It has been published many times as a single compilation of plays and stories that have been, plus as each play and stories or parts published many, many times. Shakespeare also has 158 sonnets, 4 or more poems, a few plays, and some other pieces of writing.
It is the most translated, most read, printed, sold, and played 1500 movies, and millions of live theater shows, [ It is translated into more than 150 languages and known by around 4 billion humans most of them Shakespeare works fans] 

First Folio is the most translated, most read, most printed, most sold, and most performed collection of stories ever. The works contained within have inspired 1,500 movies and millions of live theaters show. The works in First Folio have been translated into more than 150 languages and are known by around four billion humans (most of them fans of Shakespeare’s works). 


First Folio is a book by Shakespeare, the English language’s first, best, and most well-known poet and playwright, storyteller, historian, and comedian. 

First Folio was published in the year 1623 and 2023 will be the collection’s 400th year anniversary. 

#1 The Best and First Book in Human History 
#1 The Most Read Book 
#1 The Best Book for Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, and Acting 
#1 The Best Book for Communication 
#1 The Most Important Book in writing and poetry
#1 The Book Containing As You Like It!  
#1 The Book to Learn, Practice, Be Entertained, and Memorize 
#1 The Best Book in Plays, Theater Performances, and Cinema 
#1 The Best Book in the English Language and Culture
#1 The Best and The First book, As You Like It! to listen, to read, to speak and write from that or about it Globally  
#1 The Best and The First book, As You Like It! to learn, to practice, to get entertained, to memorize
#1 The Best Book for English Speakers or Those Learning English as a Second Language 
#1 The First and The Best book for creating laughter, humor, comedy, joy, and happiness 
#1 The First and The Best book in creating more applause, cheering, wow, bravo, standing ovation
#1 The Best Book in Writing and Poetry 
#1 The Best Book Globally (from 400 years ago and for the year 2045 and the year 2100) 
#1 The Book with the Highest Value, Price, and Cost in the History of Art, Literature, and Publishing 
#1 The Best Antique Book 
#1 The Best Book in Terms of Popularity and Renown 
#1 The Best Book for Buying, Selling, and Making a Fortune, Income, Wealth, Riches, and Prosperity 
#1 The Best Book for Learning and Teaching 
#1 The Best Book for Poetry, Stories, History, and Singing 
#1 The Best Book for Creating Laugher, Humor, Comedy, Joy, and Happiness 
#1 The best Book with the biggest collection in most libraries globally 
#1 The Book with the Most Told Stories By Parents to Their Children 
#1 The Most Talked About and Thought About Book for Teachers and Students in the World 
#1 The Best Book for Living, Learning, Working, and Socializing in the World 
#1 The Best Book to Make Readers More Active and for Actors and Actresses in Movies 
#1 The Best Book for Inspiration, Motivation, Passion, and Vision for Creative Writers, Poets, and Artists globally 

The top book in terms of: cost, value, price, use, reading, writing, talking, speaking, playing, antiqueness, popularity, renown, storage, purchases, units sold, fortune, income, wealth, riches, prosperity, health, respect, laughter, shows, timing, budgets, friendships, marriages, singing, poetry, stories, history, crying, learning, and teaching. 


+ writing  

Pak Organization and Company (startup) has made a passionate mission and vision to take the excellent solutions of Four Seasons Gardening to produce more foods for more people via Globally by Promoting. 

Pak Company’s Four Seasons Gardening Collection offers 100 the Best Global Four Seasons Gardening Flowers, Greens, Fruits, Vegetables, Foods, Books, eBooks, Information, Products, Services, and lots of Promotional Content (free for all visitors plus Global (Spring Gardening + Summer Gardening + Fall Gardening + Winter Gardening) plus (all about Water and Drinking Water + Fire and Sunshine Energy + Air and Weather + Soil and Foods) and Rose Gardens + Flowers Gardens + Health Foods + Centenarians Info + Vision 2020 + Smart Shakespeare + Best 100 Plus Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Full Moon Days and Nights, and Seasonal (21th of March – Spring Day, 21th of June – Summer Day, 21th of September – Fall Day, 21th of December – Winter Day), Four Seasons Gardening, Celebration, Shows, Exhibitions, Markets, and Events Online via Websites, Smartphone Apps, Smart eBooks, AI Supercomputers, Interactive Multimedia, Social Media, YouTube, and the Internet, plus Four Seasons Gardening at All Levels: For Personal Use, Families, Groups, Companies, Organizations, Villages, Cities, Countries, and More (Local and Global) for 1, 2, 3, and 4 Seasons Gardening to produce food commercially and abundantly for as many families as much as possible. 

At the personal level, each individual grows and produces a minimum of: 

1+ 100+ Grams Daily or 100+ Flowers Daily (roses and other, mostly edible, flowers) 

2+ 100+ Grams of Greens Daily (leafy greens, herbs, sprouts) 

3+ 100+ Grams of Vegetables Daily 

4+ 100+ Grams of Fruits Daily 

[ 5 Fruits and Vegetables per Day ] 

Producing over 400 grams daily of fresh flowers, greens, vegetables, and fruits for all four seasons = 400t365 = 146,000 or 146 klgrmt100yr=15,000 = 15 tons 

These are produced and used as natural, fresh, raw, organic, and local foods for living long, healthy lives. 

Growing and producing your own foods naturally with love, special care, and regard for the environment is natural, beautiful, healthy, physical, mental, emotionally and spiritually relaxing, calming, joyful, helpful, a great hobby, or even a job/business that allows you to keep your body and mind busy and active for an entire lifespan (even 100 years). Doing so helps to minimize stress, worries, anxieties, sadness, depression, emptiness, fear, anger, hatred, and violence, as well as mental, emotional, and physical sickness caused by being far from nature and feeling useless.  

Doing so also helps you expend less time, money, energy, and pollution on transportation and cooking, which preserves the environment and maintains the natural vitamins and nutritional value of your plants. 



Global Four Seasons Foods and Drinks (Diet)  

1+ All natural, healthy foods (preferably fresh, raw, organic, and local) fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, grains, herbs, greens, sprouts, honey, salt, water, juices, smoothies, salads, and seaweeds (green color by signs) 

These plants are the origin of most food systems and diets in the world (past, present, and most likely in the future). 

Most other food systems or diets are made using some percentages of these four kinds of foods. If anyone were to search for, ask about, study, learn, practice, and become familiar with these four types of foods, they could successfully and satisfactorily balance their diet for 80 to 100 years. 

In most of Four Seasons shows and markets, these foods, information, and education will be available for four hours (one hour for each type).  

Maintain schedules for the three main meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and three snacks (morning, afternoon, and evening). Smartphone apps are especially good for reminding people about the most liked foods of the past few hundred years. Almost 75% of foods and drinks known for providing a lifetime of nutrients will be around for the next 100 years. 


Blenders are the smartest food processor that humankind has ever created. 

Smart handy blenders or smart shakers. 


End of writing 


From the time of the Big Bang, around 14 billion years ago, the hottest and coldest temperature ranged from around absolute zero (-273.15° Celsius or −459.67° Fahrenheit or 0° Kelvin) to 10*32° degrees Celsius (the hottest temperature in the universe). In addition, the lifespan of atoms ranges from 0 to roughly 10*32 years long. 

Living creatures were created or began to live, grow, reproduce, and evolve in temperatures ranging between -100° and +100° Celsius or, more precisely, between -50° and +50° Celsius on Earth. 

For the Four Seasons Gardens projects, we choose the lucky numbers 4 and 40, as -40° to 40°, Celsius is the range of temperatures in which over 90% of humans and living creatures on Earth exist in (both in the water and on land). 

From the beginning of life, around four billion years ago in the waters of the ocean and around 400 million years ago on land, the temperatures of the earth have ranged from roughly -40° to 40° Celsius. 

There are four major climate zones: tropical, temperate, polar, and man-made urban cities. These climate zones differ in both temperature and precipitation. Tropical climates are usually warm and wet most of the year. Temperate climates cycle through all four seasons—winter, spring, summer, and autumn. Polar climates are usually cold and dry most of the year. Antarctica is in a polar climate zone. Most of the areas where humans live are located in temperate climate zones. 

The favorite temperature of most of the vegetation, insects, birds, mammals, and primates (especially humans) ranges between+0 to+10 to +20 to + 30 and 40° Celsius. 


  1. First Writing 

Four Seasons Gardening Story and History 

For millions of years, animals in nature were only able to find and eat an abundance of food for one or two seasons. For the remaining seasons, food could only be found little by little and the animals that managed to survive were the lucky ones. 

Around 10,000 years ago, humans started the practices of agriculture, gardening, farming, and domestication, which allowed them to save food for more seasons and even for the entire year. 

In recent years, there are billions (about 4 billion with their families included) of people working in agriculture to produce food for themselves, all of humanity, and even some animals. 

There are around 2 billion people who make more than 90% of their own foods, 

around 2 billion people who make more than 50% of their own foods,  

around 2 billion people who make more than 25% of their own foods, 

and around 2 billion people who make 0% to 10% of their own foods to eat and save for the rest of the year.  

By the year 2050, most people (around 60% to 70% of 9 or 10 billion) are going to live in or around the city and produce less and less food for themselves and others. At the same time, health experts and nutritionists recommend eating more fresh natural foods, especially fruits and vegetables, all year around (even in the fall and winter). 

As the humans from a few thousand years ago discovered, especially those from a few hundred years ago, one of the best solutions is to garden and farm for as many seasons as possible.  

Smart humans in the first and second decades of the 21st century (from 2000 to 2010 and 2020) became more serious about making 2 seasons, 3 seasons, and 4 seasons of gardening possible around the world. Every year, more people are becoming informed, interested, involved in, invested in, and supportive of the four seasons of produce, which allows them to pre-order and happily eat fruits and vegetables with satisfaction even in the winter. 


2) Second Writing 


Information Story and History of Smart eBooks Reading 

All animals are always watching for, listening for, and seeking natural information to find their own water, food, safety, family, habitat, and other necessities.  

Humanity, including homo sapiens (the wise man), sought the same natural information. However, for the last 10,000 years, humans also wanted to learn about manmade artificial information via sounds and speech mostly in the form of short and long stories all in the length of a few books (just around 100,000 words). 

In the last 4,000 years, humanity invented and created writing systems and learned how to read. Starting 500 years ago, we began to print words, and humanity’s collective information became more widely available (more than 100,000 books). 

By transitioning from the agricultural age to the industrial age by means of the invention of printing, the collected information of past and present writing increased once again to more than 100 million books plus lots of letters, newspapers, magazines, documents, etc. 

Thanks to the invention of typing, computers, the internet, and storing information digitally, starting 70 years ago, humanity’s collective information has exceeded the equivalents of 100 billion books of information and is doubling each year. 

From hunting and gathering food to finding and collecting information, humanity now has access to billions of information in all forms of data. Avoiding getting lost and confused or losing time and money is becoming incredibly difficult. 

In our current information age, 

Information-based society, 

Information-based economy, 

And information-based education system, 

the right information is the best and most valuable thing to have, 

while not knowing, or being ignorant, wrong, or confused by mixed information, is the worst and most costly situation to be in. 

Starting in the year 2000, some intelligent people began to create smartphones (or smart tablets, laptops, desktops, and supercomputers) to manage information in a cleverer and organized way. Now anybody can use smartphones to make and receive calls, emails, and SMS messages, (read eBooks, websites, and news), listen to music and other forms of audio, search for and find the answer to any question, view maps, and directions, watch videos and sports games, write, type, record, take pictures, film, videos, engage with multimedia and interactive social networks, check weather forecasts, buy, sell, make financial transactions, and start businesses, learn,  use millions of apps with many functions, and much more! 

For most people, the smartphone has become the first single most impotent useful gadget to have and use all the time. 

In 2020, there are currently four billion smartphones in use. Over the next five years, this number is going to increase to more than six billion. In addition, every five years, the current devices have to be upgraded to brand new smartphones. 

Also, by making repeat upgrades or updates, the functioning and benefits of these devices increase massively, as smartphones become a million times faster and more useful. 

The next big development in the information industry is to connect smartphones and smart gadgets and use Artificial Intelligence (AI) to manage abundant information and digital activity through supercomputers. 

Being able to find the right information at the right time, right place, and in the right situation is one of the greatest benefits of living in the information age. 

Setting SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely) is recommended for all aspects of one’s life as well as finding, collecting, organizing, planning, and using information. 

Smart eBooks Reading techniques help everyone to make reading and learning of first priority information and achieve life goals more possible. This includes finding the right books, eBooks, magazines, documents, and information, and then focusing full attention to achieve top priorities goals in any situation. 

Pak Organization and Company (startup) were created with the vision and mission to carefully collect and promote globally:

The 100 Best Smart eBooks Reading Techniques, Information, eBooks, Books, Products, and Services, Plus Lots of Promotional Content,  Free for All Visitors at:www.SmarteBooksreading.info 



Learning Languages 

The Best 100 Reasons, Benefits, Pleasures, Privileges, and Advantages of Learning Languages by Listening, Reading, Watching, Playing, Writing, and Speaking 

Language is a structured system of communication. Estimates of the number of human languages that have been created in our history range between 15,000 to 20,000, while the number of languages that remain in use varies between 5,000 and 7,000. 

Language or Linguistics is a system usually made up of spoken sounds or conventional symbols, using a system of arbitrary  signals, such as voices, sounds, gestures, written symbols, words, and systems  that are commonly understood by people from the same community, nation, geographical area, or cultural tradition. 
This includes using similar alphabets, words, sentences, paragraphs, pages, letters, articles, newspapers, magazines, books, grammar, styles, linguistics, literature, pronunciation, readingspeechspelling, writingtongues, speech, vocabulary, dialects, idioms, and patterns.  

Language has abundant uses and benefits, such as revealing information to express and exchange thoughts, opinions, ideas, feelings, emotions, visions, missions, passions, compassion, confessions, conversations, discussions, decisions, expressions, impressions, predictions, and more, as well as to negotiate, argue, or come to an agreement as the result of a discussion or diplomacy. One can speak in favor of something or promote a comment, which is necessary for business. Language allows us to join together, meet, see, shake hands, pray, talk, come to an agreement, find common goals, and much more. 

Language or Linguistics is a system usually made of spoken sounds or conventional symbols, through a system of arbitrary signals, such as voice, sounds, gestures, or written symbols, or body of words, and the systems which their use common to a people of the same community or nation, the same geographical area, or the same cultural tradition.
Using the similar alphabet, Words, Sentences, Paragraphs, Pages, Letters, Articles, Newspapers, Magazines, Books, Grammar, Style, Linguistics, Literature, Pronunciation, Reading, Speech, Spelling, Writing, Tongue, Speech, Vocabulary, Dialect, Idiom, Patterns,
The language has abundant use and benefits like revealing information to express, and exchange thoughts, opinions, ideas, feeling, emotions, vision, mission, passion, compassion, confession, conversation, discussion, decision, expression, impression, predication, Communication, diplomatic policy, to negotiate by argument or to come to an agreement as a result of a discussion, to speak in favor or promote comment, to come to join together to meet, to see, to shake hands, have Pray, talk, about everybody and everything to come to an agreement and find common goals plus much more!?

Language proficiency is the ability of an individual to use language with a level of accuracy that transfers meaning in production and comprehension. There is no singular definition of language proficiency, there is little consistency as to how different organizations classify it. Native-level fluency is estimated to require a lexicon between 20,000 and 40,000 words, but basic conversational fluency might require as few as 3,000 words.
From Wikipedia Read more: https://wiki2.org/en/Language_proficiency

How many words do you need to speak a language? 
From BBC : https://www.bbc.com/news/world-44569277

To work out how many words you need to know to be able to speak a second language we decided to look into how many words we know in our first language, in our case English.

We considered dusting off the dictionary and going from A1 to Zyzzyva, however, there are an estimated 171,146 words currently in use in the English language, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, not to mention 47,156 obsolete words. Typically native speakers know 15,000 to 20,000 word families – or lemmas – in their first language. Word family/lemma is a root word and all its inflections, for example: run, running, ran; blue, bluer, bluest, blueish, etc.

So does someone who can hold a decent conversation in a second language know 15,000 to 20,000 words? Is this a realistic goal for our listeners to aim for? Unlikely. Prof Webb found that people who have been studying languages in a traditional setting – say French in Britain or English in Japan – often struggle to learn more than 2,000 to 3,000 words, even after years of study.

In fact, a study in Taiwan showed that after nine years of learning a foreign language half of the students failed to learn the most frequently-used 1,000 words. So which words should we learn? Prof Webb says the most effective way to be able to speak a language quickly is to pick the 800 to 1,000 lemmas that appear most frequently in a language and learn those. If you learn only 800 of the most frequently-used lemmas in English, you’ll be able to understand 75% of the language as it is spoken in normal life.

Eight hundred lemmas will help you speak a language in a day-to-day setting, but to understand dialogue in film or TV you’ll need to know the 3,000 most common lemmas. And if you want to get your head around the written word – so novels, newspapers, excellently-written BBC articles – you need to learn 8,000 to 9,000 lemmas. Read more: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-44569277


How Many Words Does the Average Person Know? From Word Counter https://wordcounter.io/

  • Most adult native test-takers have a vocabulary range of about 20,000-35,000 words
  • At age one, a child will recognize about 50 words
  • At age three, a child will recognize about 1,000 words
  • At age five, a child will recognize about 10,000 words
  • According to Kim, Shakespeare’s combined written works totaled 25,000 unique words compared to the Wall Street Journal which used less than 20,000 unique words in its newspapers for a decade. (Note: Several other sources cite around over 30,000 words for all of Shakespeare’s collected writings). According to Kottke.org’s statistical estimate, Shakespeare probably had about 35,000 words in his passive vocabulary. With both vocabularies combined, he would have known a total of about 65,000 words!
  • According to lexicographer and dictionary expert Susie Dent, “the average active vocabulary of an adult English speaker is around 20,000 words, while his passive vocabulary is around 40,000 words.”
  • the first 25 words are used in 33% of everyday writing
  • the first 100 words are used in 50% of adult and student writing
  • the first 1,000 words are used in 89% of everyday writing
  • Word Counter is an easy-to-use online tool for counting words, characters, sentences, paragraphs and pages in real time, along with spelling and grammar checking. 
  • Read more: /wordcounter.io/blog/how-many-words-does-the-average-person-know/
  • Active vocabulary: You can remember it quickly. And you can use it without hesitation in your thoughts, when you talk, and when you write as well.
  • Passive vocabulary: you recognize and understand the word (more or less) when you happen to hear it or see it. However, you can’t easily remember the word and aren’t comfortable using it in conversation.
  • How Many Words Do I Need to Know to Be Fluent in a Foreign Language?
  • In general, we can describe levels of fluency in a foreign language with these rough word counts:
  • Functional beginner: 250-500 words. After just a week or so of learning, you’ll already have most of the tools to start having basic, everyday conversations. In most of the world’s languages, 500 words will be more than enough to get you through any tourist situations and everyday introductions.
  • Conversational: 1,000-3,000 words. With around 1,000 words in most languages, you’ll be able to ask people how they’re doing, tell them about your day, and navigate everyday life situations like shopping and public transit.
  • Advanced: 4,000-10,000 words. As you grow past the 3,000 word mark or so in most languages, you’re moving beyond the words that make up the everyday conversation and into a specialized vocabulary for talking about your professional field, news and current events, opinions, and more complex, abstract verbal feats. At this point, you should be able to reach C2 level in the Common European Framework for Reference (CEFR) in most languages.
  • Fluent: 10,000+ words. At around 10,000 words in many languages, you’ve reached a near-native level of vocabulary, with the requisite words for talking about nearly any topic in detail. Furthermore, you recognize enough words in every utterance that you usually understand the unfamiliar ones from context.
  • Native: 10,000-30,000+ words. Total word counts vary widely between world languages, making it difficult to say how many words native speakers know in general. As we discussed above, estimates of how many words are known by the average native English speaker vary from 10,000 to 65,000+

Tips for strengthening passive vocabulary:

  • Watching children’s shows: TV shows for small children speak in a slow, articulate manner with a simple vocabulary and lots of context clues. This week’s episode about colors might not be as exciting as “Game of Thrones,” but it’ll help you expose your brain to the new vocabulary in context, just like children do.
  • Reading children’s books in translation: “Green Eggs and Ham” only used fifty words in the whole book. Hunt down some Dr. Seuss or other familiar children’s classics and learn new words easily by reading these, as the vocabulary is simple and you’ll already be familiar with the context.
  • Watching Disney or other animated films: Watching a movie you’ve already seen a hundred times (but doing it in your target language) works on the same principle as reading familiar children’s stories. The vocabulary is simple, and you already know the story so well that you’ll understand much of what you hear without ever needing to open a dictionary.
  • Learning vocabulary with real-life videos with FluentU: FluentU’s online language learning platform uses videos like TV and movie clips to let you expose yourself to real-life language use and suck up some more new words into your passive vocabulary. With FluentU, you learn real languages—the same way that natives speak them. FluentU has a wide variety of videos like movie trailers, funny commercials, and web series, as you can see here: Read more : https://www.fluentu.com/blog/how-many-words-do-i-need-to-know/
  • ++++
Wiktionary: Frequency Lists From 100 Most use Words To 100/000 Words In English And 100 Other Languages

The following frequency lists count distinct orthographic words, including inflected and some capitalized forms. For example, the verb “to be” is represented by “is”, “are”, “were”, and so on.




The World language or The Global Language

The World language From Wikipedia, Read more: https://wiki2.org/en/World_language

world language is one that is spoken internationally and learned and spoken by numerous people as a second language. A world language is characterized not only by the total number of speakers (native and second language speakers) but also by geographical distribution and its use in international organizations and diplomatic relations.

The most widely spoken (and likely the fastest spreading) world language today is English, with over 1.1 to 2 or 2.5 billion native and second-language users worldwide. On similar grounds, French ( Over 275 million people around the world speak French) is also commonly categorized as a world language. Other possible world languages include Spanish ( Over 572 million people speak Spanish worldwide, of which 477 million people are native speakers ), Arabic ( As many as 320 million people around the world speak Arabic ), Russian, and Mandarin Chinese.

Historically, AramaicAncient GreekLatinClassical ChinesePersianSanskrit, and Classical Arabic have also functioned as world languages due to their previous standings as lingua francas over large parts of the world.

The Indo-European languages are a large language family native to western and southern Eurasia. It comprises most of the languages of Europe together with those of the northern Indian subcontinent and the Iranian Plateau. A few of these languages, such as English, French, Portuguese and Spanish, have expanded through colonialism in the modern period and are now spoken across all continents. The Indo-European family is divided into several branches or sub-families, the largest of which are the Indo-IranianGermanicRomance, and Balto-Slavic groups. The most populous individual languages within them are SpanishEnglishHindustani (Hindi/Urdu), PortugueseBengaliMarathiPunjabi, and Russian, each with over 100 million speakers. GermanFrenchItalian, and Persian have more than 50 million each. In total, 46% of the world’s population (3.2 billion) speaks an Indo-European language as a first language, by far the highest of any language family. There are about 445 living Indo-European languages, according to the estimate by Ethnologue, with over two thirds (313) of them belonging to the Indo-Iranian branch.

List of languages by number of native speakers
This is an approximate list of languages by the total number of speakers. It lists 37 languages having more than 45 million speakers. Read more: https://wiki2.org/en/List_of_languages_by_total_number_of_speakers
‘Multilingual Education’
( UNESCO) The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization is a specialized agency of the United Nations aimed at promoting world peace and security through international cooperation in education, the sciences, and culture. Wikipedia
In 1999, at the 30th Session of UNESCO’s General Conference, countries adopted a Resolution that established the notion of ‘multilingual education’ (30 C/Res. 12) to refer to the use of at least three languages in education: the mother tongue(s), a regional or national language and an international language in education. 
Since then, UNESCO has been promoting, as and when relevant, multilingual education as a means to improve learning outcomes and give life to cultural diversity. English is UNESCO’s number one international or World or Global Language.


The English as World or Global Language Read more: https://wiki2.org/en/English_language

English is a West Germanic language first spoken in early medieval England which eventually became the leading language of international discourse in today’s world. It is named after the Angles, one of the ancient Germanic peoples that migrated to the area of Great Britain that later took their name, England. Both names derive from Anglia, a peninsula on the Baltic Sea. English is most closely related to Frisian and Low Saxon, while its vocabulary has been significantly influenced by other Germanic languages, particularly North Germanic language, as well as Latin and French.
English has developed over the course of more than 1,400 years and it is an Indo-European language and belongs to the group of the Germanic languages.

English has developed over the course of more than 1,400 years. The earliest forms of English, a group of West Germanic (Ingvaeonic) dialects brought to Great Britain by Anglo-Saxon settlers in the 5th century, are collectively called Old EnglishMiddle English began in the late 11th century with the Norman conquest of England; this was a period in which English was influenced by Old French, in particular through its Old Norman dialectEarly Modern English began in the late 15th century with the introduction of the printing press to London, the printing of the King James Bible, and the start of the Great Vowel Shift.

Modern English has been spreading around the world since the 17th century by the worldwide influence of the British Empire and the United States. Through all types of printed and electronic media of these countries, English has become the leading language of international discourse and the lingua franca in many regions and professional contexts such as sciencenavigation, and law. Modern English grammar is the result of a gradual change from a typical Indo-European dependent marking pattern, with a rich inflectional morphology and relatively free word order, to a mostly analytic pattern with little inflection, a fairly fixed subject–verb–object word order, and a complex syntax. Modern English relies more on auxiliary verbs and word order for the expression of complex tenses, aspect, and mood, as well as passive constructions, interrogatives, and some negation.

English is the largest language by number of speakers, and the third most-spoken native language in the world, after Standard Chinese and Spanish. It is the most widely learned second language and is either the official language or one of the official languages in almost 60 sovereign states. There are more people who have learned it as a second language than there are native speakers. As of 2005, it was estimated that there were over 2 billion speakers of English. English is the majority native language in the United States, the United KingdomCanadaAustraliaNew Zealand, and Ireland, and it is widely spoken in some areas of the Caribbean, Africa, and South Asia. It is a co-official language of the United Nationsthe European Union, and many other worlds and regional international organizations. It is the most widely spoken Germanic language, accounting for at least 70% of speakers of this Indo-European branch. English speakers are called “Anglophones”. Variability among the accents and dialects of English used in different countries and regions—in terms of phonetics and phonology, and sometimes each Country adds 1000 new words to the vocabularyidiomsgrammar, and spelling—does not typically prevent understanding by speakers of other dialects, although mutual unintelligibility can occur at extreme ends of the dialect continuum.

editing needed

Learning Global English Languages Goals

The Best 100 Reasons, Benefits, Pleasure, Privilege, and Advantages of Improving or Learning Global English Languages by Listening, Reading, Watching, Playing, Writing, and Speaking Global English Language!

The Best 100 Reasons, Benefits, Pleasure, Privilege, and Advantages of Learning Global English by Listening, Reading, Watching, Playing, Writing, and Speaking of in Global English, Successfully.
To be with will, goals, plans, and schedules to learn Global English Language Successfully!
To be Listen in Global English Successfully!
To be speak in Global English Successfully!
To be Read in Global English Successfully!
To be Write in Global English Successfully!

The English Language is one of the 15000 Languages in history and one of the 7000 remaining Languages in the present time. Very lucky survivor, with less than %20 local English words and more than %80 from all other languages and that’s the biggest reason for calling it the Global English Language because it has some words from most of the other Languages.
By 2020 many people believe around 2 billion to 2.5 billion Global English speakers in total ( with about 400 million first language. )

English as a second or foreign language is the use of English by speakers with different native languages. Language education for people learning English may be known as English as a second language (ESL), English as a foreign language (EFL), English as an additional language (EAL), or English for speakers of other languages (ESOL). The aspect in which ESL is taught is referred to as teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL), teaching English as a second language (TESL), or teaching English to speakers of other languages (TESOL). Technically, TEFL refers to English language teaching in a country where English is not the official language, TESL refers to teaching English to non-native English speakers in a native English speaking country and TESOL covers both. In practice, however, each of these terms tends to be used more generically across the full field. Each one more likely depends largely on the location – with TEFL more widely used in the UK and TESL or TESOL in the US.

Global English Language is the official first or second language in most of the Commonwealth Nations. The countries of the Commonwealth cover more than 29,958,050 km2 (11,566,870 sq mi), equivalent to 20 percent of the world’s land area. The total population is estimated to be 2,418,964,000 as of 2016, equivalent to nearly a third of the global population, making it the second-largest intergovernmental organization by population behind the United Nations. Many regions, notably AustraliaBruneiCanadaHong KongIndiaIrelandMalaysiaNew ZealandPakistanSingaporeSouth AfricaSri Lanka, and the Caribbean, have developed their own native varieties of the language and they call them Englishs. The United States of America is one other country ( not with Commonwealth ) with 350 million population use English as a First Language. American, Canadian, and British English are the best and most popular on-demand globally.

editing needed
Global English is the first language of the people of Great Britain, the United States of America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Ireland. Language of the top advanced countries, With more than 400 million speakers, with their first and number one laws of the constitution, are ( Freedom of Speech or Freedom to Speak English or any Language) with a statue of freedom as the highest symbol.


5) Fifth Writing 

The 100 SMART Best Memorization Techniques, Information, Courses, eBooks, Books, Productsand Services (Plus Lots of Promotional Contents) is Free for All Visitors 

1) By boosting Memorization and Remembering abilities with SMART Goal Setting techniquesplanningschedulingprioritizing, and organizing the learning materials!  
2) By using repetitionassociationvisualization, and impression!  
3) By remembering to repeat and by repeating to Remember, the material over and over mentally or by writing the material and reading it aloud. 
4) By learning to use memorization techniques like mnemonicsacronyms, chunking, mind mapping, flashcards, drawing, 
coloring, mental imagery, musical patterns, rhythms, sharing, teaching, asking lots of questions of yourself and others, reading aloud, acting in front of the mirror, rewarding yourself for successfully remembering, making jokes, creating short and long stories, etc. 
5) By having better attention, focus, concentration, contemplation, and interest in the material you are listening to, talking about, reading, writing, seeing, touching, smelling, tasting, feeling, emotionalizing, acting out, understanding, comprehending, thinking about, visualizing, reviewing, and taking responsibility for succeeding in memorization goals. 

6) By eating natural healthy foods (walnuts, flax seeds, seafood, sea salts, kale, carrots, beets, honey, blueberries, greens, and other vegetables), using your favorite perfumes and fragrances, and drinking more wateryou can have a healthy, lengthy, centenarian lifestyle
7) By improving memorization by getting adequate rest, sleep, relaxation, meditating, keeping a positive attitude, repeating affirmations, praying, chanting, walking in nature (very important), getting physical and mental exercise, playing games, smiling, laughing, and having more fun. 
8) By Improving memory via eLearning, online study, self-study, writing, taking notes (on paper or digitally), recording tapes and videos, taking more pictures, or storing reminders of memories forever via electronic digital computerized memory, smartphones, tablets, laptops, desktops, supercomputers, or artificial intelligence

9) Saying no, no, no to stress, worry, anxiety, sleepiness, restlessness, fear, rush, push, hatred, violence, and dehydration. Avoiding unnatural foods or drinks, such as coffee, alcohol, white grain flour, sugars, and salts. these actions will help to avoid misremembering, being unable to recall, forgetting, allowing memories to decay or fade away, losing mind, fatigue, foggy mind, confusion, an overload of useless information, amnesia, dementia, and Alzheimer’s. 
10) Over 80 to 100 years of lifelong learning and improvement of one’s first languages (or other languages) always be sure to write and keep notes (on paper or digitally) Write down any new words so that you can read them again and keep them forever. 

Maintaining the love, desire, and will to continue education, studies, and lifelong learning of the “ongoing, voluntary, and self-motivated pursuit of knowledge for personal or professional reasons”, while keeping the mind and memory fit, strong, and ready for new challenges with a positive attitude. Remaining intellectually sharp and informed on life in this information age by using the best memorization techniques to keep up with information technology, information-based economy, and information-based society. 

Memorization is the process of committing something to memory. This mental process is undertaken in order to store and recall items later. These items can include experiences, names, appointments, addresses, telephone numbers, financial transactions, lists, stories, poems, thoughts, ideas, dreams, pictures, maps, diagrams, facts, music, and other visual, auditory, or tactical information. 
Memory is the brain’s power to recall past experiences and information. In this faculty of the mind, information is (1) received, (2) encoded, (3) stored, and (4) retrieved/recalled/remembered to use for any purposes. In the broadest sense, there are three types of memory: sensory memory, short-term memory, and long-term memory. 
Writing Memory, Written in Stone Memory, Written in Wood Memory, Written on Dirt Tablets Memory, Written on Paper Memory, Written on Painting Memory, Written on Fabrics Memory, Artistic Memory, IntelligenceKnowledge, and “Knowledge is Power” memory. World Memory Championship 2019 

By using supplements to help to keep the brain healthy and vibrant and improve memory to remember naturally more and easily are becoming increasingly popular everywhere.
Also, for open-minded people, total recall pills and digital memory implants or Brain connection to the internet coming soon to the market in the next few decades or for sure for the next few centuries.

“Teach a man to learn something, you teach him one thing for a lifetime.Teach a man how to Learn, you teach him how to learn, memorize, and remember everything for a lifetime.” 



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The future of English as a global language Read more: https://www.languageconnect.net/blog/language-connect/english-global-language-2/

Research by Harvard Business School Associate Professor Tsedal Neeley, studying the complications of the language across multi-cultural teams, further emphasizes the importance of English as the lingua franca in businesses across the world. It also highlights the importance of accommodating other nationalities when conducting business in English. It pays to be respectful of your partners.

English has been a global lingua franca for three centuries. It’s poised to remain one because it adapts, evolves, and stays fresh. This regenerative quality is something that also distinguishes many of the UK’s most successful businesses. Want to engage with a new demographic? Revamp your product? Want to double your online audience? Translate your website.

If British business continues to take a cue from its mother tongue and refresh itself for the challenges ahead, then our contribution to the 21st-century commerce and culture could be very positive indeed.


What’s the future of English? https://www.britishcouncil.org/voices-magazine/whats-future-english

Turning his attention to colonial and post-colonial environments, Crystal suggested that even in countries where English was seen as the language of oppressors, complexities in the linguistic make-up of the local environment (for example, Nigeria where 500+ languages are spoken) meant that a ‘better the devil you know’ approach was adopted ‘because at least everyone hates English equally’. This meant that English was adopted as an official language and then adapted to the local context. Within months of independence, thousands of new words appeared, linked to politics, food and drink, folklore, and plants. Fifty years on, these words are featured in dictionaries of global English — there are 15,000 Jamaican words and 10,000 South African words alone.

This trend of ‘Englishes’ in the plural shows no sign of slowing down anytime soon. But nothing lasts forever. Who knows whether English will retain its position as the widely accepted lingua franca? And if it does, then how many ‘Englishes’ might evolve? How can we prepare our students and in particular younger generations for this culturally diverse future?


Future of English in India Read more: https://brainly.in/question/5177693

People in other countries are making rapid progress in numerous fields of knowledge.  English is our life-line of contact with the outside world.  It is an important bridge for the traffic of thought between the East and the West.  English continues to be an important language used by computers and commercial establishments in major parts of the world. In India too it continues to be a mark of education.


In mathematicsinformal logic, and argument mapping, a lemma (plural lemmas or lemmata) is a generally minor, proven proposition which is used as a stepping stone to a larger result. For that reason, it is also known as a “helping theorem” or an “auxiliary theorem”. In many cases, a lemma derives its importance from the theorem it aims to prove, however, a lemma can also turn out to be more important than originally thought. The word “lemma” derives from the Ancient Greek λῆμμα (“anything which is received”, such as a gift, profit, or a bribe).


The Indo-European languages are a large language family native to western and southern Eurasia. It comprises most of the languages of Europe together with those of the northern Indian subcontinent and the Iranian Plateau. A few of these languages, such as English, French, Portuguese and Spanish, have expanded through colonialism in the modern period and are now spoken across all continents. The Indo-European family is divided into several branches or sub-families, the largest of which are the Indo-IranianGermanicRomance, and Balto-Slavic groups. The most populous individual languages within them are SpanishEnglishHindustani (Hindi/Urdu), PortugueseBengaliMarathiPunjabi, and Russian, each with over 100 million speakers. GermanFrenchItalian, and Persian have more than 50 million each. In total, 46% of the world’s population (3.2 billion) speaks an Indo-European language as a first language, by far the highest of any language family. There are about 445 living Indo-European languages, according to the estimate by Ethnologue, with over two thirds (313) of them belonging to the Indo-Iranian branch.
The Indo-European languages are a large language family native to western and southern Eurasia. It comprises most of the languages of Europe together with those of the northern Indian subcontinent and the Iranian Plateau. In total, 46% of the world’s population (3.2 billion) speaks an Indo-European language as a first language, by far the highest of any language family.
A few of these languages, such as English, French, Portuguese and Spanish, have expanded through colonialism in the modern period and are now spoken across all continents. For (3.2 billion) who speak an Indo-European language as a first language, and a few billion as a second language, learning English is much easier. Also For 2.4 billion Christians Because English speaking people are mostly Christian with almost similar spirituality learning the English language is easier and blesses.
For around 4 billion woman Global English means a better life, education, work, socializing, more freedom, and opportunity.
For around 2 billion seniors Global English means a better life, Learning, mental activity and exercise, socializing, more freedom and opportunity.
For around 2 billion kids and young students, Global English means a better life, education, work, socializing, more freedom, and opportunity.


English-speaking world From Wikipedia Read more: https://wiki2.org/en/English-speaking_world

English is the most widely spoken language worldwide. Besides the major varieties of English, such as American EnglishBritish EnglishCanadian EnglishAustralian EnglishIrish EnglishNew Zealand English, and their sub-varieties, countries such as South AfricaIndiaNigeria, the PhilippinesJamaica, and Trinidad and Tobago also have millions of native speakers of dialect continua ranging from English-based creole languages to Standard English. Other countries, such as Ghana and Uganda, also use English as their primary official language. As of 2012, India claims to have the world’s second-largest English-speaking population after China.
English is studied most often in the European Union, and the perception of the usefulness of foreign languages among Europeans is 67 percent in favour of English ahead of 17 percent for German and 16 percent for French (as of 2012). Among some of the non-English-speaking EU countries, the following percentages of the adult population claimed to be able to converse in English in 2012: 90 percent in the Netherlands, 89 percent in Malta, 86 percent in Sweden and Denmark, 73 percent in Cyprus, Croatia, and Austria, 70 percent in Finland, and over 50 percent in Greece, Belgium, Luxembourg, Slovenia, and Germany. In 2012, excluding native speakers, 38 percent of Europeans consider that they can speak English.

Books, magazines, and newspapers written in English are available in many countries around the world, and English is the most commonly used language in the sciences with the Science Citation Index reporting as early as 1997 that 95% of its articles were written in English, even though only half of them came from authors in English-speaking countries.

In publishing, English literature predominates considerably with 28 percent of all books published in the world [Leclerc 2011] and 30 percent of web content in 2011 (down from 50 percent in 2000).


Quotes about language learning

“A different language is a different vision of life.”
Federico Fellini

“The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.”
Ludwig Wittgenstein

“One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way.”
Frank Smith

“Language is the road map of a culture. It tells you where its people come from and where they are going.”
Rita Mae Brown

“He who knows no foreign languages knows nothing of his own.”
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

“You can never understand one language until you understand at least two.”
Geoffrey Willans

“If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart.”
Nelson Mandela

“To have another language is to possess a second soul.”

“Change your language and you change your thoughts.”
Karl Albrecht

“Learning another language is not only learning different words for the same things, but learning another way to think about things.”
Flora Lewis

“Knowledge of languages is the doorway to wisdom.”
Roger Bacon

“Language is the blood of the soul into which thoughts run and out of which they grow.”
Oliver Wendell Holmes

“Language is not a genetic gift, it is a social gift. Learning a new language is becoming a member of the club – the community of speakers of that language.”
Frank Smith

“Learn a new language and get a new soul.”
Czech Proverb

“A special kind of beauty exists which is born in language, of language, and for language.”
Gaston Bachelard

“Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere.”
Chinese Proverb

“One should not aim at being possible to understand but at being impossible to misunderstand.”
Marcus Fabius Quintilian

“A mistake is to commit a misunderstanding.”
Bob Dylan


1 = 1 + word
2 = 4 + words or phrases
3 = 10 + words or sentences
4 = 100 + most used words = one short page
5 = 400 + most useful words %50+ of daily usage 1 full-page and ( Shakespear First Folio book 400th-anniversary specials )
6 = 1000 + most used words about %85 + of daily speaking
7 = 1500 + most used words and Globalish English program for everyone
8 = 2020 + most used words of the year and new idea for UNESCO to make best
9 = 4000 + most used words for Global 4 Seasons Gardening ( globally to good listening, talking, reading, and writing, socializing, shopping, selling, traveling, working, starting education, watching TVs, movies, )
10 = 10/000 + most used words good enough for second-language speakers all above

11 = 11000 + average person vocabulary
12 = 20/000 + 6 graders vocabulary ( small book, 2 hours audio and video )
13 = 30/000 +
14 = 40/000 + 12 graders vocabulary ( good book sizes )
15 = 50/000 +
16 = 60/000 + Bachlers vocabulary ( = large book or 6 hours tapes or video )
17 = 70/000 +
18 = 80/000 + Dr. Ph.D. vocabulary
19 = 90/000 +
20 = 100/000 + Professors, vocabulary, highest-ranking languages experts, talented, skillful ( = 400 page Big Books or 10 audio or video tape )


to remember, to think, to visualizes, to dream, to listen, to talk, to read, to write, to use, to teach, to associate and learn more


using each word for 1 time, or for 10 times, for 100 times, for 1000 times, for 10/000 times, for 100/000 times, for 1000/000 times, for 10 million times,

from +%1 to 10% to %50 to 80%+ to %90 + to %100+ use each word right, correct, joyful, profitable, respectful,


to remember and use for 1 to 10 seconds, 1 to 10 minutes, 1 to 10 hours, 1 day, 1 week, 1 month,1 season, 1 year, 2,3,4 years, 10 years,

10 years, 20 years, 30 years, 40 years, 50 years, 60 years, 70 years, 80 years, 90 years, 100 year plus

good age for human living is 110-year plus that about 4 billion seconds if processing each word takes about 1 second, that about 4 billion words but let’s say 1 or 2 billion words


First word first and one word at the time! by one pen and papers in the binder in alphabetical orders, or computers or smartphones, finding, writing, learning, gathering, collecting,

from parents, family, friends, class mates, teachers, in the schools, high schools and universities, from living, news papers, magazins, radio, TVs, internet, works, coworkers,